WOD 2/7/17






Strength: Dips By Ability
1) 0-5 reps- Perform 5 sets of max reps by ability bench/bar/ ring dips.
2) 5-10 reps (Bar/Ring) establish 3RM Bar/ring dips
3) 10+ Ring dips – establish 5RM ring dips.

MetCon: “Mary”
20 min AMRAP.
10 Pistols
15 Pull ups

*Ask coach for scaling options.

WOD 30/6/17


E3MOM For 18 min (for load!!!)
Snatch+2 OHS

MetCon: “Charlotte”
21-15-9 reps Of
Overhead Squats
Sumo DL High Pulls

rx’d 42,5/30kg
10min Cap
*Ask coach for scaling options.

WOD 29/6/17

Back Squat
A) 5*5*5RM
B+) E2MON For 10 min Perform 3 Reps of Back Squat with 90%5RM.

MetCon: 20 min AMRAP Ladder of
1 Power Clean
2 Pull ups
2 Power cleans
3 Pull ups
3 Power Cleans
4 Pull ups

A) G squat 16/12kg-Jumping pull ups/ring rows.
B) 40/25kg-Pull ups by ability
C) 50/35kg
D) 60/42.5kg-C2B Pull ups
D+) 75/47.5kg-C2B Pull ups


Olympic weightlifting WOD 29/6:

  1. Snatch Find 1 RM (30 Min)
  2. Pushpress 5-5-3-3-1
  3. Front Squat find 1RM
  4. Good morning 4x8x50% 1RM Front squat

WOD 28/6/17


Strength: Barbell press
A) Strict Press 5*5*5RM
B+) E2MON For 10 min Perform 3 Reps of Bench with 90%5RM

MetCon: 21-15-9-15-21 reps of
Push Press
Toes 2 Bar

A) KB Push prees 12/8kg-Vups
B) 30/20kg-K2E
C) 42.5/30kg
D) 50/35kg
D+) 60/42.5kg

WOD 27/6/17

Skill: Handstand Practice.

MetCon: In teams of 2: Perform 25min AMRAP of:
P1-Handstand hold (plang hold)
P2- 30 DU/SU


Olympic weightlifting WOD 27/6:

  1. Clean & Jerk 30 min find 1 RM
  2. Establish Max height Box jump
  3. Snatch pull 5x3x100%
  4. Back squat 5x3x85%

WOD 26/6/17

Strength: Deadlift
A) 5*5*5RM
B+) E2MON For 10 min Perform 3 Reps of Deadlift. with 90%5RM

Skill: Snatch Practice

MetCon: 15 min AMRAP
5 snatches

7 Bar MU
12 Alt. Pistols

A) SDLHP 20/12kg-BMU by ability (Pull ups/C2B Pull up/jumping c2b pull up)- G. linges
B) 30/20kg-BMU by ability-Pistols by ability.
C) 45/30kg
D) 60/42.5kg

WOD 25/6/17


Strength: Overehead Press
A) Strict press 5*5*5RM
B) E2MON For 10 min Perform 3 Reps of Strict press with 90%5RM
C+D) E2MON For 10 min Perform 3 Reps of Push press with 90%5RM

Skill: HandStand

MetCon: 5 Rounds for quality reps
16 Shoulders taps
8 Double KB/DB Strict press 16/12kg
4 Strict chin ups

*Ask coach for scaling options.

WOD 23/6/17

Skill: Power snatch.

MetCon: “21-15-9 Complex”

For Time

8 Deadlifts (70/50 kg)

7 Cleans (70/50 kg)

6 Snatches (70/50kg)

8 Pull-Ups

7 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups

6 Bar Muscle-Ups



6 Deadlifts

5 Cleans

4 Snatches

6 Pull-Ups

5 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups

4 Bar Muscle-Ups



4 Deadlifts

3 Cleans
2 Snatches
4 Pull-Ups

3 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups

2 Bar Muscle-Ups

Athlete will perform 21 reps (8+7+6=21) of Deadlift/Clean/Snatch then Pull-Ups/Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups/Bar Muscle-Ups; then 15 reps (6+5+4=15); then 9 reps (4+3+2=9).

*Ask coach for scaling options.

WOD 22/6/17

Back Squat
A) Back Squat 5*5*5RM
B+) Back Squat 5*5*90% 5RM.

MetCon: For Time
100 Air Squats
50 Box Jumps 60/50cm
100 Sit Ups
150 Double unders

Reps can be done in any order.
*Ask coach for scaling.


Olympic weightlifting WOD 22/6:

  1. Snatch complex: Snatch pull + hang snatch + snatch balance + snatch balance- start at 60% add weight each set until failure
  2. Hang snatch: 3x3x75% 3x2x85%
  3. Front rack lunge 3×3+3×60% 3×3+3×70% (1RM back squat)
  4. Clean pull 5x5x85%

WOD 21/6/17


Barbell Press
A) Strict Press 5*5*5RM
B+) Bench Press 5*5*90%5RM

MetCon: 9-15-21-15-9 reps of
One Arm OH Lunges

A) Bench dips-10/8kg KB
B) Bar/Bench dips- 12/10Kg-KB
C)Ring dips- 16/12kg KB
D)Strict ring dips- 24/20kg KB