WOD 23/10/18

Crossfit W.O.D

Skill:  Ring Muscle up practice

Strength: E2MOM 10

1 min to accumulate as many strict RMU/Pullup/Ring rows as possible, followed by 1 min rest


MetCon: 3 RFT

400m run

15 burpee pullup

10 clapping pushup

Ask coach for MOD.

Olympic Weightlifting W.O.D

  1. 20min to establish 3RM TnG Snatch
  2. E2MOM 16 3 TnG S2OH start at 60% add weight by feel
  3. FS+BS 2×7+13×60% of BS
  4. Pullups/RMUs by coaches prescription

WOD 22/10/18

Crossfit W.O.D


A) Back Squat 5*5*5EW
B) Back Squat Establish 5RM
C+D+E) Front Squat establish  5RM

MetCon: 10min AMRAP

6 Pull Ups
9 Thrusters

A) J. Pull ups-20/15kg
B) Pull ups by ability – 30/20kg
C) 42.5/30kg-Pull ups
D) 42.5/30kg- C2B Pull Ups
E) 50/35kg-C2B Pull ups

Ask coach for MOD.

Strength Accessory W.O.D

Power Clean establish 3 rm
(25mi cap)

6 Rounds of
3 Hang power Cleans (50-70% 3RM clean)
9 Burpee Pull ups

*30 sec. Rest between rounds
** 20min time cap.

WOD 21/10/18

Crossfit W.O.D


A) Shoulder Press 5*5*EW
B,C,D,E) Dips By ability (Bench/Bar/ Ring) 5*5-10 reps

MetCon: 21-15-9-6-3
– HSPU (Pike Push ups/KB Push press 16/12kg)
– Box jump 60/50
– KB swings 32/24kg

Ask coach for MOD.

WOD 20/10/18

Crossfit W.O.D

Strength: complete missed strength



Deadlift 100/65

Strict T2B


*Ask coach for mods

WOD 19/10/18

Crossfit W.O.D



Kipping Pullup

Kipping ring dips


MetCon: 20-15-10-5





Strength Accessory W.O.D

Back Squat
3-3-3-3: +3*80%

“Running Jackie”

1000m run

50 Thrusters 20/15 kg

30 Pull ups


Endurance W.O.D

30 min AMRAP

25 Slam ball

25 russian twist 24/16

25 DU

25 airsquats


Order does not matter

WOD 18/10/18

Crossfit W.O.D

Skill: Squat clean



A) Deadlift 5x5xE.WT

B) Deadlift Find RM

C-E) Squat clean 6x3x80-90%3RM


MetCon: I go U GO

12 min AMRAP

– 5 Thruster 50/35

– 10 OTB Burpees


Each partner must complete a full round while other partner rests


Olympic Weightlifting W.O.D


  1. OHS 15 min to establish 1RM of the day
  2. HC+Jerk 5×2+1×70% 2×2+1×80%
  3. Cluster establish 1RM
  4. S.pull 6x3x100%

WOD 17/10/18

Crossfit W.O.D


Skill: Double unders/ Triple unders


MetCon: for time and reps


4 min AMRAP burpee pullup

1 min Rest, then:

4 Min AMRAP AKBS 24/16

1 min Rest, then 8 Min AMRAP




ABmat situps

Strength Accessory W.O.D
Push Press
Hall Pulls
3-3-3-3: +3*80% (from last set)

Ring rows (deficit by bility) 3-4*10-15
KB Russian swings 3*15-20 (unbroken reps! Weight by ability)

WOD 16/10/18

Crossfit W.O.D

In memory of David Ben Gurion, Israel’s first prime minister and the man who’s vision help build this state in its early days. He would have celebrated his 132st birthday october 16th this year. Happy birthday!

Skill: Kipping HSPU

MetCon: “Hazaken”

In teams Of 2 complete for time:

Run together to Ben Gurion House (ben guryon street #17)

132 Handstand Push Ups (i go you go)

Run to Ben Gurion House


*Ask coach for MOD.


WOD 15.10.18

Crossfit W.O.D


A) Backsquat 5×5 elements weight

B) Backsquat Find 5RM (add 2.5kg from last week)

C,D,E) Squat Clean Find 3RM


MetCon:For time



* run stairs

– Pullups

– Front Squat


  1. A) Jumping pullup-G squat 16/12
  2. B) pullups/jumping-Gsquat 24/20
  3. C) Plyo jumps (on stairs) plates)/pullups- FS 50/30
  4. D) Plyo jumps-  legless rope climb 2/1- FS 60/40
  5. E) Plyo jumps-  legless rope climb 2/1- FS 70/50

Strength Accessory W.O.D
Weighted push ups
Sumo Deadlift
5-5-5-5: +5*80% (from last set)

Strict curls 3-5*10-15
One arm shoulder KB/DB Press 3*10-15

WOD 14/10/18


Crossfit W.O.D


A) Shoulder press 5x5xEW

B-E) Bench press 5x5x90% 5RM (All levels)


MetCon: 3 RFT

400m Run

12 Clapping pushup

12 T2B

12 G-SQ 24/16


*12 Min timecap, modify accordingly

*Ask coach for modifications