WOD 13/10/18

Crossfit W.O.D

Skill: Ring Muscle up

MetCon: for time 



OHSx3 (21-15-9)


*ask coach for weights and scalling

WOD 12/11/18

Crossfit W.O.D


A) Backsquat 5x5xE.WT

B) Backsquat Find 5RM

C-D-E) Front squat find 3RM

Skill: Squat Clean

MetCon: 4 Rounds For time

5 Squat clean

10 T2B


  1. Ask coach
  2. 30-40/20-30Kg
  3. 40-50/30-40Kg
  4. 60-70/40-45Kg
  5. 70-80/50Kg

Strength Accessory W.O.D


Floor press: 5-5-5-5; (+5)*80% From last set

MetCon: 15-12-9-6-3 Reps of

Deadlift (BW)

Over the box jumps 60/50cm

*rest 30 sec between sets

Endurance W.O.D

5 rounds for time of:

30 kettlebell snatch, 24/16kg

30 Butterfly sit-ups

30 SDHP 24/16kg

30 knees-to-elbows

WOD 11/10/18

Crossfit W.O.D

Strength: Weighted plank- sets of 45 sec AHAP

5 sets total


MetCon: 3 RFT

100m Suitcase carry 32/24

21 Air squats

7 BMU / 15 pullup  (by ability)

9 Burpee box jump

ask coach for mods

Olympic Weightlifting W.O.D


  1. TNG PC 6 sets @  50% | 55% | 60% | 65% | 70%
  2. TNG Jerk from racks 6×3 60-70% NO FAILURES
  3. Back squat 6x3x80%

WOD 10/10/18

Crossfit W.O.D

Skill: Bench press technique

Strength: Bench press –All levels find 5RM

MetCon: 10 min ascending ladder


RKBS 32/24

Clapping pushup

*Ask coach for modifications


Strength Accessory W.O.D


Strict Press

Barbell good mornings

5-5-5-5; +5*80% From last set.


MetCon: 100 KB Swings for time

*every even min perform 5 jumping pull ups

*every od min perform 5 Toes to bar/K2E

W.O.D. 9/10/18


Tue 9/10

Crossfit W.O.D

Skill: Snatch & Ring muscle up

MetCon: “Amanda”


Snatch 60/42.5




RMU-C2B-Pullup-J.pull-rin row

Olympic Weightlifting W.O.D

  1. HPS + Drop Snatch  6×3+1×75%
  2. C&J 2×2+2×75% 2×2+1×85% 2×1+1×90% 1×1+1×85-95% 1xPR attempt
  3. Tempo deficit clean pull 5x3x60% 5sec up 5 sec down

W.O.D. 8/10/18



Crossfit W.O.D

Today We honor the memory and life achievements of john hancock, a us statesman, revolutionist and the first person to sign the US decleration of independence. john hancock passed away on october 8th 1793.

MetCon: “Hancock”


26 pullups

48 wallballs

26 Hang power snatch 35/25kg

67 Airsquats

81 Double unders

Gymnastics W.O.D

Strength Accessory W.O.D

Complete the daily workout with regular class.

WOD 6/10/18

Crossfit W.O.D


A) Shoulder Press 5*5*EW
B,C,D,E) Dips By ability (Bench/Bar/ Ring (band assisted)/ Strict ring dips) 5*5-10 reps

MetCon: In teams of 2 complete 5 rounds  for time

20 Ring Push Ups
30 Pull Ups
40 Sit Ups
50 Air Squats

P1- Work
P2- Rest.

*Ask Coach for modifications.

W.O.D. 6/10/18

Crossfit W.O.D


Skill:Squat Clean


MetCon:20 min E2MOM

2 high hang clean

2 hang clean

2 squat clean


add/reduce weight each set as needed


WOD 5/10/18

Crossfit W.O.D

Skill: Ring muscle up transition

Strength: Gymnastic Pull

By Ability- one of the following

-Ring Row 5xME

-False grip ring chinup 5x5xRPE8 (Add Weight if needed)

-Strict RMU 5×5 (add Weight if possible)

-Advanced gymnastics pull-ask coach


MetCon: For time

100 T2B

EMOM 4 pistols


  1. A) 75 K2E- EMOM 5 Airsquat/G-squat
  2. B) 75 T2B- EMOM 5 G-squat 24/16
  3. C) 100 T2B- EMOM 4 Pistols
  4. D) 100 T2B- EMOM 4 weighted pistol 12/8


Endurance W.O.D

“Dallas 5”

5 minutes of:


Then, 5 minutes of:

   7 deadlifts, 70/50kg.

   7 box jumps, 60/50 cm

Then, 5 minutes of:

   Turkish get-ups, 20/12kg.

Then, 5 minutes of:

   7 snatches, 32.5/25kg

   7 push-ups

Then, 5 minutes of:

   Rowing (calories)

Complete as many reps as possible at each 5-minute station. Rest 1 minute between stations.

WOD 4/10/18

CrossFit WOD


A) Backsquat 5x5xelements wt

B) Backsquat 5x5x90%5RM

C-D-E) Front rack lunge 5x5x90%5RM


MetCon:3 Rounds for time

10 OHLunge


6 burpees


A) Plate 15/5

B) Plate 25/15 Clapping pushup

C) Barbell 40/25 HSPU

D) Barbell 60/40 DHSPU 25/10 plates.

Olympic Weightlifting W.O.D

  1. 20 min to find 3 RM Snatch
  2. Power clean & Power jerk 6×1+4×60-70%
  3. OHS 15 min to find 3RM
  4. Split press 5x5x85% 5RM shoulder press
  5. Hang clean pull 5x5x100%