WOD 27/4/16

***No Gymnastics Class. All evening Dizengoff classes will be CrossFit

***Please make sure you are signing up for classes on Mindbody in order to stay the most up to date on schedule changes during the holiday!***

***We are also operating with shorter Front Desk hours. If you are trying to reach us by phone, please leave a message with the answering service. Alternatively, you may email us at: telavivcrossfit@gmail.com. Thanks!***


Monthly Mobility:


Back Squat
A) 5*5 with weight from elements
B+) 1 ¼ Back squat 5*5 use 80% 5RM

Tech: Power clean practice.

MetCon: “The Chief” 

AMRAP in 19 minutes

5 Cycles of 3 Minutes Each

3 Power Cleans (60/42.5kg )

6 Push-Ups

9 Air Squats


Rest 1 Minute Between Each 3-Minute Cycle

Complete as many rounds as possible (AMRAP) in 3 minutes, then rest 1 minute. Start each 3-minute cycle where you left off on the previous cycle. Repeat for a total of 5 cycles. Count total rounds and reps completed.
*Ask coach fro scaling options.

WOD 26/4/16


*** 19:15 CrossFit and Open Gym at Dizengoff (no 18:15 Skills or 20:15 CF/Open Gym)

*** No Olympic Weightlifting

***Please make sure you are signing up for classes on Mindbody in order to stay the most up to date on schedule changes during the holiday!***

***We are also operating with shorter Front Desk hours. If you are trying to reach us by phone, please leave a message with the answering service. Alternatively, you may email us at: telavivcrossfit@gmail.com. Thanks!***


Monthly Mobility:



Gymnastic pull by ability:
1) 5*Max reps Ring rows
2) 5*3 Negative pull ups
3) 5*6 Weighted pull ups


אחד מי יודע?

13 Double under

12 G- squat

11 Power clean 50/35

10 pistols

9 K2E

8 airsquat

7 KB swing

6 jump lunge

5 airsquat

4 KB pushpress 12/8

3 situp

2 pushup

1 burpee


WOD 25/4/16


***Strength & Accessory WOD is to be completed at Open Gym

***Please make sure you are signing up for classes on Mindbody in order to stay the most up to date on schedule changes during the holiday!***

***We are also operating with shorter Front Desk hours. If you are trying to reach us by phone, please leave a message with the answering service. Alternatively, you may email us at: telavivcrossfit@gmail.com. Thanks!***


Monthly Mobility:

Skill+warm up:
Squat clean

Strength: Deadlift/clean
A) Deadlift 5*5 with weight from elements.
B+) Establish 2RM Clean

MetCon: 15-12-9 reps of

Burpee Pull ups

A) wall balls-burpee j.pull ups
B) 30/20 kg
C) 42.5/30kg
D) 50/35kg



Push press 3-2-1-1-1



Kb/Db strict press 4*8-10

Dips 3*Max reps

Banded horizontal flys 100 reps in any order

WOD 24/4/16

Schedule changes for Sunday, 24/4/16:

  • 19:15 CrossFit and Open Gym at Dizengoff (There is no 20:15 classes tomorrow at Dizengoff)
  • Intermediate should join regular WOD throughout the day
  • Strength & Accessory WOD is to be performed at Open Gym. Please reserve your spot
***Please make sure you are signing up for classes on Mindbody in order to stay the most up to date on schedule changes during the holiday!***

***We are also operating with shorter Front Desk hours. If you are trying to reach us by phone, please leave a message with the answering service. Alternatively, you may email us at: telavivcrossfit@gmail.com. Thanks!***

Monthly Mobility:

Skill +warm up: Push press/jerk

10 min to establish 2RM Push press/jerk

Strength: Strict press
A) 3*5 with weight from elements
B+) 3*+5*80% RM


ביד חזקה ובזרוע נטויה

in teams of 2 (i go u go)
100 pushpress 40/25

80 pullups

60 ring dips

40 pullups

20 pushups

50 wallballs
*ask coach for scaling options, be responsible, this is high volume for the arms



Fron squat 3-2-1-1-1

Zarcher squat 4*6-8

Bent over row 3*10

Glute bridges 100 reps in any order

WOD 22/4/16


***Please make sure you are signing up for classes on Mindbody in order to stay the most up to date on schedule changes during the holiday!***

***We are also operating with shorter Front Desk hours. If you are trying to reach us by phone, please leave a message with the answering service. Alternatively, you may email us at: telavivcrossfit@gmail.com. Thanks!***

Monthly Mobility:

Special Pesah WOD

in groups of 3

500m run on beach

i go u go

100 G squat

100 KB swing

100 burpees

100 pushups

100 situps

500m run on beach

Speed press
Bench press (3sec pause)

9*3*50-70% ME


WOD 21/4/16

***Please make sure you are signing up for classes on Mindbody in order to stay the most up to date on schedule changes during the holiday!***

***We are also operating with shorter Front Desk hours. If you are trying to reach us by phone, please leave a message with the answering service. Alternatively, you may email us at: telavivcrossfit@gmail.com. Thanks!***

Monthly Mobility:

Skill: Shoulder mobility drills

Strength Gymnastic Push:

1)Pike push ups 5*max reps 2)Negative HSPU 5×3
3)Partial HSPU 5xMax reps
4)  Strict HSPU 5*8 (deficit if needed)

MetCon: For time

400m Run
200m run with plate 25/15kg
400 m run
200 with plate

Speed Deadlift
Conventional deadlift 10*2*50-70%

MetCon: For time
50 Sumo Deadlift high pulls
100 KB russian swings
150 Air squats

*reps can be done in any Order

WOD 20/4/16

Monthly Mobility:

Back Squat
A) 5*5 weight from elements
B+) 5-5-3-3-1 (Start at 85% 5RM and then add weight each set)

Tech: Squat clean.

MetCon: 12 min Ladder of
2 Squat cleans
2 Toes 2 bar

A) g.Squat-sit ups
B) 30/20kg-K2E
C) 42.5/30kg- T2B
D) 60/42.5kg-T2B

WOD 19/4/16

Monthly Mobility:

Gymnastic pull by ability:
1) 5*Max reps Ring rows
2) 5*3 Negative pull ups
3) 5*6 Weighted pull ups

MetCon: 15 min AMRAP
400m run
21 Push ups
12 Muscle ups

*By ability:
1) HRPU-J.pull ups
2) Pike Push ups-C2B Pull ups
3) HSPU-ring/bar MU

** Asl coach for scaling options.

WOD 18/4/16


Monthly Mobility:

Conventional Deadlift

A) 5*5 with weight from elements
B+)  5-5-3-3-1 (Start at 85% 5RM and then add weight each set)

Skill: Squat clean
A+B) Squat clean Practice
C+D) 4 rounds not for time (60-90 sec rest)
Power clean+Hang squat clean+front squat@75% Clean

MetCon: 7min AMRAP

7 power cleans
7 push press
7 Squats

A) Swing-G.squat 16/12 kg kb
B) 30/20 kg-Back squat
C) 42.5/30kg/front squat
D) 50/35kg-OHS.

ME Bench Press
Bench press 3-3-3-3-3

KB/DB shoulder press 4*8-10
Deficit Push Ups
3*10 (no drop set, work on volume)
Triceps ext. 100 reps.

WOD 17/4/16

Skill: Push press/jerk warm up (10min)

Strength: Strict press
A) 5*5 weight from elements
B+) 5-5-3-3-1 (Start at 85% 5RM and then add weight each set)

MetCon: 5RFT
9 Push ups
15 Toes 2 Bar
21 KB Sumo deadlift high pulls

A) Pike push ups/HRPU-Sit ups/K2E-12/8kg
B) Pike push ups/HSPU/ring push ups/K2E-20/12kg
C) HSPU-T2B-24/16kg
D) Strict HSPU (deficit if needed)- T2B- 32/24kg



ME Power Clean 2-2-2-1-1-1


Pendlay row 3-3-3-3-3

One arm kb/db row 3*10

Banded good mornings 100 reps