WOD 18/4/16


Monthly Mobility:

Conventional Deadlift

A) 5*5 with weight from elements
B+)  5-5-3-3-1 (Start at 85% 5RM and then add weight each set)

Skill: Squat clean
A+B) Squat clean Practice
C+D) 4 rounds not for time (60-90 sec rest)
Power clean+Hang squat clean+front squat@75% Clean

MetCon: 7min AMRAP

7 power cleans
7 push press
7 Squats

A) Swing-G.squat 16/12 kg kb
B) 30/20 kg-Back squat
C) 42.5/30kg/front squat
D) 50/35kg-OHS.

ME Bench Press
Bench press 3-3-3-3-3

KB/DB shoulder press 4*8-10
Deficit Push Ups
3*10 (no drop set, work on volume)
Triceps ext. 100 reps.