WOD 9/5/16


Barbell Pull

A)Deadlift 5*5 weight from elements

B)Deadlift 5*65% (1RM); 3*75%; +2*80%; +4*60%

C+D) Clean pull+hang clean+2 front squats *5*80% (clean)

Thruster practice 10 min.

MetCon: Death by Thrusters (10min cap)

A) Wall balls 20/12lb
B) 30/20kg
C) 45/30 kg
D) 60/42.5kg


Strength ME Pull

Snatch grip Deadlift 2-2-2-2-2-2

Straight leg Deadlift 4*6-8

DB/KB walking lunges 3*10+10

Banded good mornings 100 reps

WOD 8/5/16


Barbell Push:
A) Strict Press 5*5 weight from elements
B) Strict press 5*65%(1RM) 3*75% +2*80%; +4*60%
C) Push Press 3x3x80% then 2*5+ strict pree*50% (1RM Push press)
D) Jerk same as C

Skill: Sot’s press practice.

MetCon: For Time
50 OHL 25/15kg
25 Burpee Pull ups
100 Walking lunges (steps)
50 G2OH 25/15kg Plate

*Ask coach for scaling options.

Strength ME Press

Bench Press 3-3-3-3-3

KB/DB strict press 4*8-10

Dumbell/bar skull crushes 3*10

Weoghted plank 4*30-45sec* Max weight

WOD 6/5/16

Monthly Mobility:



A) 5*5 weight from elements
B+)5*60%(1RM) 5*65% +3*70%

3 Power cleans
5 Burpee broad jumps

A) KB Sumo DL high pull (AHAP strict to form)
B) 40/25kg.
C) 60/30kg
D) 80/50kg


Speed press
Bench press 9*3*50-70%

Tech: Power snatch

Tabata push ups (by ability HRPU/Deficit PU/ Ring PU)

WOD 5/5/16


Monthly Mobility:


Gymnastic Push: By ability
1) Pike?/ HRPU 5*max reps
2) Partial HSPU (strict) 5*max reps
3) Strict HSPU 5*Max reps (If more than 10 can be done unbroken add deficit)

Skill: Coache’s Choice

MetCon: 5RFT
15 Wall balls
10 C2B Pull ups

*ask coach for scaling options

WOD 4/5/16

*** Please note that this evening’s LAST class is at 18:00. The gym will be CLOSED at 19:00 due to Erev Yom Hashoa (no evening classes in Dizingoff).

Hours of operation on Yom Hashoa will be as usual ***



A) 5*5 weight from elements.
B+) 5*60%(1RM) 5*65% +3*70%

Skill: OHS

MetCon: For time:

30 Front squats
15 Box jumps
15 Overhead squats
30 Box jumps

A) G. squats 16/12kg. 60/50cm step ups
B) 30/20kg-60/50cm
C) 45/30kg- 60/50cm
D) 60/45kg-70/60cm

WOD 3/5/116

Monthly Mobility:



Gymnastic pull:


By ability
1) 5* max reps ring rows
2) 5*3 Negative Pull ups
3) 5*6 Strict Pull ups (add weight if needed)

MetCon: For Time
100 Push ups
*EMOM perform 3 Pull ups.

1) HRPU-Jpull ups.
2) Deficit push ups-pull ups
3) ring push ups- STRICT Pull ups

WOD 2/5/16


Barbell Pull

A)Deadlift 5*5 weight from elements

B)Deadlift 5*60% (1RM); 5*65%; +3*70%

C+D) Clean 4*3*70%;

Clean pull 2*3*100% clean (10kg plate deficit)
Skill: Power Snatch
MetCon: 15-12-9-6-3 reps of

Power Snatch

Toes 2bar
A)SDLHP 16/12-Vups

B) 30/20kg -K2E

C) RXD 45/30KG

D) 60/40kg


RP Bench

Bench press 6*50%(me) 6*60% +6*70%

Deficit push ups 4*8-10

Strict DB/KB Press 3*10

Triceps ext. 100 reps

WOD 1/5/16

May Monthly Mobility (video coming shortly…)

  1. OHS with Kettlebell
  2. Sotts Press with Kettlebell
  3. Narrow Squat
  4. Monthly Mobility Challenge: Accumulate 1 min of deep squat OUTSIDE of the gym on Day 1, 2 mins on Day 2, 3 mins on Day 3, etc…

Barbell Push:
A) Strict Press 5*5 weight from elements
B) Strict press 5*60%(1RM) 5*65% +3*70%
C) Push Press 3x3x70% then 2*5+ strict pree*50% (1RM Push press)
D) Jerk same as C

Skill: Coaches Choice

MetCon: 3 Rounds For time
30 DU
20 Walking lunges
10 S2OH

A) SU-12/8kg KB (reps in each arm)
B) 30/20kg
C) 45/30kg
D) 70/45kg

WOD 29/4/16

***Please make sure you are signing up for classes on Mindbody in order to stay the most up to date on schedule changes during the holiday!***

***We are also operating with shorter Front Desk hours. If you are trying to reach us by phone, please leave a message with the answering service. Alternatively, you may email us at: telavivcrossfit@gmail.com. Thanks!***



***No formal class today, the WOD is to be performed with a friend when you come and train***

40 years in desert!!!

In teams of two complete for time: I go you go:
40m (each) Partner(sandbag) carry
40 One (R) . Thrusters 16/12kg (scale if needed)
40 One arm thrusters (L)
40 Burpee pull ups
40 one (R ) arm russian swings 16/12kg (scale if needed)
40 one arm (L ) russian swings
40 Box Jumps 60/50cm
40m partner carry (each)

WOD 28/4/16

*** Dizengoff: 900, 1000 CrossFit 1300 Yoga

*** Atarim: CF and Open Gym: 1000,1100, 1200, 1300, 1400. Open Gym 1500-1600

***Please make sure you are signing up for classes on Mindbody in order to stay the most up to date on schedule changes during the holiday!***

***We are also operating with shorter Front Desk hours. If you are trying to reach us by phone, please leave a message with the answering service. Alternatively, you may email us at: telavivcrossfit@gmail.com. Thanks!***


Monthly Mobility:



Skill: Shoulder mobility drills

Strength Gymnastic Push:

1)Pike push ups 5*max reps 2)Negative HSPU 5×3
3)Partial HSPU 5xMax reps
4)  Strict HSPU 5*8 (deficit if needed)

In team Of 2 complete: 15min AMRAP OF

P1: 400m run with 25/15kg plate
3 Wall walks
5 HSPU/Pike Push ups
7 Box Jumps 60/50 cm

*Ask coach for scaling options