WOD 21/9/18

CrossFit WOD



  1. A) Shoulder press 5x5xelements WT
  2. B) Shoulder press 5x5x90%5RM

C-D-E) Bench press 5x5x90%5RM


MetCon: EMOM 10

Even: 5 RHSPU (DHSPU/HSPU/Pike/Pushup/ Knee pushup)

Odd: Max Triple unders (Double unders / Single unders)

*Ask coach for modifications


Endurance WOD

MetCon: “Kalsu”

For time: 100 Thruster 60/42.5

*EMOM perform 5 burpees

** 35 min Time cap

*** ask coach for mods


Strength & Accessory WOD

Hang Power Clean+Push Press Practice

MetCon: “Incredible Hulk”

AMRAP in 20 minutes

5 Deadlifts (50/35kg)

5 Hang Power Cleans (50/35kg)

5 Front Squats (50/35kg)

5 Push Press (50/35kg)

5 Back Squat (50/35kg)

WOD 20/9/18

CrossFit WOD


A) Backsquat 5x5xelements WT

B) Backsquat 5x5x90% 5RM

C) Backsquat 6x3x90% of 3RM

D+E) Backsquat 6x3x80% of 1RM


MetCon: “Helen”


400m run

21 AKBS 24/16

12 pullups

WOD 18/9/18

CrossFit WOD

Partner WOD for time

400m run

100 Deadlift 60/42.5

90 Wallballs

80 Pullups

70 Burpees

60 T2B

50 KBS 32/24

40 HPC 60/42.5

30 pushpress 60/42.5

20 pistols

400m Suitcase carry 32/24


*Ask coach for mods

** one patner works while other partner rests

WOD 17/9/18

CrossFit WOD


  1. A) Deadlift 5x5xelements WT
  2. B) Deadlift Find 5RM
  3. C) Power Clean find 3RM
  4. D) Squat Clean find 3RM
  5. E) Squat Clean find 1RM

MetCon: 21-15-9

Over Head Squat


200m Run


  1. A) Ask coach
  2. B) 30/20
  3. C) 42.5/30
  4. D) 50 35
  5. E) 60/42.5

Gymnastics W.O.D

5*HS Hold

5 minutes kick up practice

30 shoulder taps / side

Strength & Accessory WOD

Push Press
Front Squat
5-5-5-5; (+5)*80% from last set

MetCon: Running “Jackie”
1000m run
50 Thrusters 20/15kg
30 Pull Ups

WOD 16/9/18

CrossFit WOD



A) Shoulder press 5x5xelements WT

B) Shoulder press find 5RM

C-D-E) Bench press Find 5RM


MetCon: 12 min AMRAP

9 WallBalls


5 WallWalk

WOD 15/9/18

CrossFit WOD


MetCon: For time

21 T2B

21 Thrusters 42.5/30

21 pullups

21 burpees

15 T2B

15 thrusters

15 Pullups

15 burpees

15 T2B

9 thrusters

9 pullups

9 burpees


Ask coach for modificaions

WOD 14/9/18

CrossFit WOD

Strength/Skill: Handstand pushups

All levels perform 8 sets of 3 reps with 5RM exercise from last week.


MetCon: 3 Rounds For time

20 Wallball

10 pullup

5 HPC 70/50


Endurance WOD

MetCon: For time




Box jump


Deadlift 100/75


Strength & Accessory WOD

“Bear Complex”

5 Rounds For Load

Complete 7 Unbroken Sets of this Complex:

1 Power Clean

1 Front Squat

1 Push Press

1 Back Squat

1 Push Press

Do all 5 movements to complete 1 repetition of the complex. Complete the complex 7 times, unbroken (without letting go of the bar or resting it on the ground) to complete 1 round. Complete 5 unbroken rounds, increasing the weight and resting as needed between each round. Score is max weight used for your 5th unbroken round.

WOD 13/9/18


CrossFit WOD



Pullups 5×5 RPE 7/10 (Modify/add weight as needed)


Skill: Double unders







Olympic Weightlifting WOD

  1. Drop snatch 6×3 start at 50% add weight by feel
  2. Snatch/hang snatch (Adv/beg) 2x3x75% 2x2x85% 2×1-2×90% 2×1-2×90% 2x1x95-100%
  3. Clean pull 8x3x100%
  4. Front squat 3x3x80% | 2x2x85% | 1x1x90% | 1x1x95%

WOD 12/9/18

CrossFit WOD



  1. Deadlift 5x5xelements wt
  2. Deadlift 5x5x90% 5RM
  3. SDL 5x5x90% 5RM
  4. SDL 6x3x90% 3RM
  5. SDL 6x3x80% 1RM


MetCon: For time 21-15-9-6-3


HPS 42.5/30



Gymnastics W.O.D

5*HS Hold

5 minutes kick up practice

30 shoulder taps / side


Strength & Accessory WOD


Bench Press
Deadlift (conventional)
5-5-5-5- (+5)*80% From Last set

12min AMRAP Ladder

1-1; 2-2; 3-3…
Pike push ups (FULL ROM HSPU by ability)
Sumo DL (BW)