WOD 8/9/18

Today, in light of the upcoming new year, we will host a lecture by Yoni on  goal setting. yoni will go over what are good goals to set, how to plan out the strategy of accomplishing these goals, and the fine points of turning your dream into a goal into a reality.

after that we will make a toast to the new year and have some apple in honey, followed by a Partner WOD to celebrate the incoming Jewish new year 5778!


CrossFit WOD

Partner WOD For time:

400m Farmer carry

78 pullups

78 burpees

78 wallballs

78 deadlift 90/65

400m Farmer carry

WOD 7/9/18

CrossFit WOD

Strength: Ring row (deficit/weighted) – 5×5-8 (RPE 8)


MetCon: For time


HPC 50/35



12 min timecap


Endurance WOD

MetCon: For time


Double unders

Walking lunge

Ring pushup

AKBS swing 16/12

Strength & Accessory WOD

Strength:Power Clean  5*3*85% 1RM OR establish 1RM.

1) Ring Rows (deficit by ability) 4*10-15
2) One Arm KB/DB Strict Press 3*10-15
3) Svend Press 3-4*15-20 reps

WOD 6/9/18

CrossFit WOD

Strength/Skill: Hand Stand Push Up

All levels perform 8 sets of 3 reps with 5RM exercise from monday. If you missed monday, ask coach how to proceed.


Skill: DU/TU


MetCon: EMOM 16

Even: 4 KB OHS per side 24/16

ODD: Max Double/Triple unders


Olympic Weightlifting WOD

  1. Snatch 20 min to find 3RM TNG snatch
  1. HC 4x3x75% 3x3x85%
  2. Jerk from racks 6x3x80%
  3. Good morning 5x5x~3RM snatch
  4. Tempo backsquat 4-3pause-1 6x3x75-85% by feel

WOD 5/9/18

CrossFit WOD


A) Backsquat 5x5xElements weight

B) Backsquat 5x5x90% 5RM

C) Front rack lunge 5×3+3x5RM from last week

D+E) Front rack lunge 5×3+3×85% 3RM


MetCon: Half  “Mary”

10 min AMRAP


10 pistols

15 pullups


*Ask coach for modifications


Gymnastics W.O.D

5*HS Hold

5 minutes kick up practice

25 shoulder taps / side


Lever Holds – 5*12s

5*3 weighted Pull ups


3*10 Rows

3*10 T2B

3*10 Deficit Ring Rows

Strength & Accessory WOD

Floor Press
Hall Pulls

5-5-5-5- (+5)*80% From Last set

MetCon: 21-15-9-15-21
Clapping/Plyo Push ups
KB Sumo DL high pullls 32/24kg

WOD 4/9/18

CrossFit WOD

Strength: Ring row (deficit/weighted)
Find 5RM

MetCon: For time:
100m Suitcase carry (R)
50 Double unders
100m Suitcase carry (L)
40 KBS 32/24
100m Suitcase carry (R)
30 T2B
100m Farmer carry (L)

Olympic Weightlifting WOD

20 min to establish 1RM C&J
Snatch pull 5x5x100
Front squat+backsquat 3×7+13×60%1RM backsquat

WOD 3/9/18

CrossFit WOD

Strength/Skill: Hand Stand Push Ups

Find 5RM by ability:

– Pike

– Partial ROM HSPU

HSPU (strict)

Deficit HSPU (strict)

– Ring HSPU progression



MetCon:  4RFT


400m run

10 Pushpress 60/42.5


*ask coach for mods

WOD 2/9/18


  1. A) Deadlift 5x5xElements weight
  2. B) Deadlift Find 5RM (+5kg)
  3. C) SDL find 5RM
  4. D) SDL find 3RM
  5. E) SDL find 1RM


MetCon: Partner WOD

P-1 Plank (regular or side)

P-2 10 Rds of DT

12 Deadlift 70/50


6 S2OH

WOD 1/9/18

CrossFit WOD

Skill: Double unders

MetCon 1: “Annie” For time


Double unders



MetCon 2: With partner

– 100 over the bar wallballs

– 100 partner pushups

WOD 31/8/18

CrossFit  W.O.D

Strength: Weighted Pushups

A) 5x5x80-90% 5RM

B) 5x5x80-90% 5RM

C) 5x3x80-90% 3RM

D) 5x3x80-90% 3RM

E) 5x3x80-90% 3RM


MetCon: 5RFT
15 Double unders
10 Toes 2 bar
5 S2OH

A) SU-Vups-12/8kg KB
B) DU-K2E-30/20kg
C) 45/30kg
D) UNBROKEN DU – 60/42.5kg


Endurance W.O.D

MetCon: “Painstorm XII” 

same as Strength accessory (look below)

Strength & Accessory W.O.D

“Painstorm XII”

For Time

400 meter Run

50 Back Squats

50 Front Squats

50 Overhead Squats

400 meter Run

50 Shoulder Presses

50 Push Presses

50 Push Jerks

400 meter Run

50 Hang Power Cleans

50 Hang Power Snatches

400 meter Run


Perform all barbell movements with an olympic bar only (20/15 kg). Run without the bar.

WOD 30/8/18

CrossFit  W.O.D


  1. A) Deadlift 5x5x Weight from elements class
  2. B) Deadlift 5x5x90% 5RM
  3. C) Hang Power Clean 6x3x90%3RM
  4. D) Squat clean 6x3x80-90% 3RM
  5. E) Squat clean 6x3x80-90% 3RM

Metcon: 9min AMRAP
5 Deadlifts
7 Burpee Box jumps
9 Wall balls


A-B) KBSx2

C) 80/50

D) 100/70

E) 120/95


Olympic weightlifting  W.O.D


  1. 20 min Est 3RM snatch
  1. 20 min to Est 1RM OHS
  2. Clean pull 5x3x100%
  3. Front squat 1+¼ 5x3x75%