WOD 23/4/17

Strength: Overhead Press
A) Strict Press 5*5*5RM
B) Strict Press 5*5*90% 5RM
C+D) Establish 1 RM Push Press

1K run
20 G2OH 60/42.5kg
40 Burpees
20 Ring MU
40 Burpees

*Ask coach for scaling options.

WOD 21/4/17

Strength: Strict Pull ups by ability.
1) 0-1 Pull ups: 5 sets of ME partial ROM pull ups
2) 1-5 Pull ups: 5 sets of max reps
3) 5-10 Pull ups can be done: 7*2*95 %3RM; then one set of ME BW Pull ups
4)10+ Pull ups:
6*3*95% 5RM; then one set of ME BW Pull ups.

MetCon: ½ “Kelly”
200m run
15 Box jumps 60/50cm
15 Wall balls 20/12lb

WOD 20/4/17

Strength: Squats
A) Back Squat 5*5*5RM
B) Back Squat Establish 5RM.
C) Front Squat 5*3*90% 3RM
D) Back Squat + snatch grip BTN Jerk+OHS 6*2+1+2 (Add weight each set)

Tech: Squat Cleans  

MetCon: 10min AMRAP
3 Squat Cleans

A) G Squats*2 16/12 kg- J. close grip chin ups.
B) 30/20kg-MU by ability
C) 50/35kg
D) 60/42.5kg
D+) 90/55kg-Strict RMU

Olympic Weightlifting:

  1. TNG power clean ladder. Max reps on each station. perform 5 total sets, min 3 reps per set. Start at 50% add 10/5kg each set.
  2. Jerk from racks 4x3x75% 4x3x85%
  3. Snatch pull 6x3x100%
  4. Back Squat work up to heavy single

WOD 19/4/17

Strength: HSPU/Overhead press
A) Strict Press 5*5*5RM
B) Strict Press establish 5RM (If done perform 5*5*80% de-loading)
C) Strict HSPU 5 sets of max reps.
D) Same As C scale up to  deficit if needed.

MetCon: For time perform
30 Ring Dips
30 KB Swings

A) Push by ability: HSPU/Pike push ups/HRPU/Knee PU-12/8kg KB-Dips by ability
B) HSPU by ability: HSPU/Pike Push ups-20/12kg kb-Bar dips/Bench dips
C) 24/16kg (American swings)
D) 32/24kg (American swings)
D+) Strict HSPU-32/24kg kb American swings-strict ring dips

WOD 18/4/17

Strength: Strict Pull ups by ability.
1) 0-1 Pull ups: 5 sets of ME partial ROM pull ups
2) 1-5 Pull ups: 5 sets of max reps
3) 5-10 Pull ups can be done: 7*2*95 %3RM; then one set of ME BW Pull ups
4)10+ Pull ups:
6*3*95% 5RM; then one set of ME BW Pull ups.

Skill: Kipping Pull ups

MetCon: For quality
12 min EMOM
2 C2B Pull ups
3 Pull ups

*Ask coach for scaling options

Olympic weightlifting:

  1. 20 min find 1RM Cluster
  2. TNG Snatch sets of 6 sets of max reps start at 60% add weight each set
  3. TNG Push Press 5x5x60-70% (of C&J)
  4. Front Squat 6x3x80%

WOD 17/4/17

Strength: Overhead Press
A) Strict Press 5*5*5RM
B) Strict Press establish 5RM
C+D) Push Press 5*1*95%, +2*80% 1RM

MetCon:“40 years in the desert” In teams of 2 perform
20min AMRAP
10 S2OH 40/30kg
20 T2B
40 Burpees

WOD 16/4/17

Strength: Barbell Pull
A) Deadlift 5*5*5RM
B) Deadlift establish 5RM
C) Deadlift establish 3RM
D) Snatch Pull + Hang Snatch 6*2+1 (add weight each set)

Metcon: אחד מי יודע?

1 burpee


2 Pushup

1 burpee


3 situp

2 pushup

1 burpee

13 Double under

12 G- squat 12/16

11 Power clean 50/35

10 pistols

9 K2E

8 airsquat

7 KB swing 24/16

6 jump lunge

5 pullup

4 KB pushpress 12/8

3 situp

2 pushup

1 burpee

WOD 14/4/17

Strength: Strict Pull ups by ability.
1) 0-1 Pull ups: 5 sets of ME partial ROM pull ups
2) 1-5 Pull ups: 5 sets of max reps
3) 5-10 Pull ups can be done: 7*3*85 %3RM; then one set of ME BW Pull ups
4)10+ Pull ups:
6*5*85% 5RM; then one set of ME BW Pull ups.

MetCon: Running “Jackie”
1k run
50 Thrusters 20/15kg
30 Pull ups

WOD 13/4/17


Strength: Squats
A) Back Squat 5*5*5RM
B) Back Squat 5*5*90%5RM.
C) Front Squat Establish 3RM
D) Power Snatch + Overhead Squat 5*1+2 (Add weight each set)

MetCon: 10min AMRAP
8 Box jumps 60/50cm
10 Toes 2 bar
8 Burpee Broad jumps

A) 16/12kg- box jumps by abilit -T2B by Ability.
B) 24/20kg KB- K2E
C+D 42.5/30kg
D+) 60kg-touch&go unbroken box jumps-Strict toes 2 bar

Olympic Weightlifting:

  1. Drop snatch work up to heavy triple
  2. 3 position snatch top to bottom 8 rounds at 75-85%
  3. Power Snatch (use straps) 6x2x60-70%
  4. Tempo snatch pull 4x4x50% 5sec up 5 sec down
  5. Backsquat 5x3x80%

WOD 12/4/17


Strength: HSPU/Overhead press
A) Strict Press 5*5*5RM
B) Strict Press 5*5*90% 5RM (Deloading)
C) Strict HSPU 5 sets of max reps.
D) Same As C scale up to  deficit if needed.

Tech: Clean & Jerk

MetCon: “Grace”
30 reps of 60/42.5kg Clean & Jerk

*Monster challenge “Double Grace”