WOD 8/6/17

Strength: Back Squat
A) 5*5*5RM
B+) Establish 10RM.

MetCon: 15-20-25-20-15 reps of
Front Squats
Double unders

A) G. squat 12/8kg-SU
B) G.Squat 24/16kg-DU By ability
C) 42.5kg/30kg-DU
D) 50/35kg-DU
D+) 60/42.5kg-UNBROKEN DU


Olympic weightlifting WOD 8/6:

  1. TNG Power snatch 3x5x50% 3x5x60% 3x5x70%
  2. Overhead squat ladder (one attempt of Max reps at each weight) 50/35-60/40-70/45-80/50-90/55-100/60
  3. Overhead lunge 6×3+3×50%1RM backsquat
  4. 3xMax rep TNG deadlift x1RM clean

WOD 7/6/17


A) Strict Press 5*5*5RM
B+) Bench Press Establish 10RM

-Even Min ME Dips (by ability: ring/bar/bench)
-Odd min ME  S. leg weighted sit ups 15/10kg

*Ask coach for scaling options

WOD 6/6/17

Skill: HandStand Practice/Turkish get ups

MetCon: 30min AMRAP
12 Burpees
24 Lunges

A) 12/8kg
B) 16/12kg
C) 20/16kg
D) 24/20kg

D+) 32/24


Olympic weightlifting WOD 6/6:

  1. Clean + Jerk 2×2+2×75% 2×2+1×85% 2×1+1×90%
  2. Power clean + Pushpress 6×1+3×60-70%
  3. Snatch pull 5x5x90%
  4. Back squat 5x3x80%

WOD 5/6/17


A) Deadlift 5*5*5RM
B) Deadlift establish 10 RM
C) Snatch Grip Deadlift establish 10 RM
D) Snatch Pull Establish 10RM.

Skill: Snatch Practice.

MetCon: For time
15-12-9-6-3 Reps Of

Hang Squat Snatch
Pull Ups

A) Ask coach for specific instructions.
B) 30/20kg- Pull ups
C) 40/25kg- Pull ups
D) 50/35kg-C2B Pull ups
D+) 60/40kg-C2B Pull Ups

WOD 4/6/17


Strength: Strict Press
A) 5*5*5RM
B+) Establish 10 RM.

Skill: Handstand Practice.

MetCon: Within 20min Cap perform for quality, By ability
15/30/50 Wall Walks

*E2MOM 5 Strict Toes 2 Bar.

WOD 2/6/17


Skill: Snatch Practice.

MetCon: 10 RFT
5 Power snatches
100m run

A) 10 SDLHP 16/12kg
B) 30/20kg
C) 42.5/30kg
D) 60/42.5kg

WOD 1/6/17


Strength: Back Squat
A) 5*5*5RM
B+) 3*10*90% 10RM; 1xMax reps*90% 10RM (15+)

Skill: Handstand

MetCon: For Quality 15min EMOM
1st min 30 sec Handstand Hold (total time,may split the time in 1min)
2nd min Jumping lunges
3rd min russian  KB/DB Swings 10 reps AHAP

WOD 31/5/17


Barbell Press
A) Strict Press 5*5*5RM
B+) Bench Press 4*10*90% 10RM; AMRAP*90% 10RM.

MetCon:3 Rounds  For Reps

1min Wall Balls
1min Push Ups (scale up to ring push ups)
1min Russian Twists 24/16kg
1min Row (Cal)
1min Push Press 20/15kg

*2min Rest between rounds

WOD 30/5/17


Skill: Handstand Practice, 20min.

MetCon: In Teams Of 2 (I go you go) Perform for quality reps 20 min OF

1 Wall Walk
2 Strict Pull ups
1 Wall Walk
4 Strict Pull ups
2 Wall Walks
6 Strict Pull Ups
2 Wall Walks
8 Strict Pull Ups
3 Wall walks
10 Strict Pull Ups
3 Wall Walks
12 Strict Pull ups


WOD 29/5/17

Strength: Barbell Pull
A) Deadlift 5*5*5RM

B) Deadlift 4*10*90% 10RM; AMARAP*90% 10 RM
(Touch&go aren’t permitted)
C) Snatch Grip Deadlift 4*10*90% 10RM; AMRAP*90% 10RM
D) Snatch Pulls 4*10*90% 10RM; AMRAP*90%10RM

Tech: Power Snatch.

MetCon: E2MOM FOR 20 min
5 Snatches
7 Burpee Over the bar.

*Ask coach for weights & instructions