WOD 24/11/15

November Programming:





**You can click on any of the hyperlinked movements below to see a video demonstration!**


Strength: Gymnastic Pull 

By ability:

1) 5×5-10 Ring row

2) Strict pull ups 5*5-10

3) Weighted pull up 3*70% 2*80% 1*90% 1*ME Strict pull ups

4) Rope Climbs Ladder 1-2-3-2-1

MetCon: 20-16-10 reps of:
Box Jumps 60/50 cm
KB one arm S2OH (Shoulder to Over Head)

A) Tuck Jumps + 12/8 kg KB
B) Box Jumps 60/50cm + 16/12 kg KB
C) Box Jumps 60/50 cm + 24/16 kg KB.
D) Box Jumps 70/60 cm + 24/20kg KB.