WOD 29/8/18

CrossFit  W.O.D

Strength: Chinups by ability 5×3-5

MetCon: 5RFT
Sprint 100m
10 Burpee pull ups

* scale up to burpee RMU or BMU by ability.
**Ask coach for scaling options


Gymnastics  W.O.D

5*HS hold + 5*15-30sec L-sit

5-10 minutes walking/free kick up practice

RMU – 5*3 (add weight) / 5*5 FG pull ups / 5*8 FG row

12-15 AMRAP:


10 Barbell/db bent over rows

30s L-sit

10 Strict Press

10 Deficit ring row

Strength & Accessory W.O.D

Power Snatch

MetCon: “Randy”
75 Power Snatches for time

Rx’d 35/25kg.

WOD 28/8/18

CrossFit  W.O.D

Strength: Weighted Pushups

  1. A) Find 5RM
  2. B) Find 5RM
  3. C) Find 3RM
  4. D) Find 3RM
  5. E) Find 3RM


Metcon: 30-20-10 Reps of
Toes 2 bar

Mods by ability:

Bench/Bar/Ring/Strict ring


Cashout (time permiting) 100 winshield wipers


Olympic weightlifting  W.O.D

  1. 3 position clean 3×1+1+1×60% | 3×1+1+1×70%
  2. C&J 3×1+3×70% | 3×1+2×80% | 2×1+1×90%
  3. Tempo snatch Snatch pull (5 sec up, 1 sec pause, 5sec down) 5x3x60%
  4. Good morning 5×5-8x1RM snatch

WOD 27/8/18

CrossFit  W.O.D


  1. A) Backsquat 5x5x Weight from elements class
  2. B) Backsquat Find 5RM
  3. C) Front Rack lunge  find 5RM
  4. D) Front Rack lunge  find 3RM
  5. E) Front Rack lunge  find 3RM


MetCon: 10min AMRAP
5 Hang Cleans to overhead
10 Over the Box Jumps 60/50cm

A) 12/8kg kb
B) 30/20kg
C) 45/30kg
D) 70/45kg


Gymnastics  W.O.D

5* HS Hold + 5*30sec hollow body

5-10 minutes walking/free kick up practice

Lever – 5*12s / 5*5 Arch Pull ups

3 Rounds:

10 Shoulder taps (each side)

10 V-ups

10 OHL

10 Tuck-ups

30s Chin up hold

Strength & Accessory W.O.D

Hang Power Clean Practice

MetCon: “D.T.” 5RFT
12 Deadlifts
9 Hang Power Cleans
6 Push Press

Rx’d 70/45kg (Scale by technical ability)

WOD 26/8/18

CrossFit  W.O.D

Strength: Chinups 5×3-5

by ability:

  • Ring row
  • Box Chinup
  • Chinup
  • Archer Chinup (rings)
  • 1 arm Chinup


MetCon: 4RFT
20 OH Walking Lunges (steps)
10 Burpee Broad Jumps

A) 15/5kg Plate
B) 20/10kg Plate
C-E) 25/15kg Plate


W.O.D 25/8/18

CrossFit  W.O.D

Warmup: Sweet 16 burpees


Complete missed strength, if none missed,Practice Double unders/Triple unders by coaches prescription.


MetCon: “Happy birthday Courtney”
15m HS walk
5 Squat Snatches 60/40kg
3 Strict RMU

*Ask coach for scaling options.

W.O.D 24/8/18

CrossFit  W.O.D


A) Shoulder press 5x5xWeight from elements Class

B) Shoulder press 5x5x90%5rm

C) Floor Press 6x3x90% 3RM

D+E) Floor press 6x3x80% 1RM


MetCon: For time


Overhead squat 42./30



*Ask coach for modifications


Endurance W.O.D

MetCon: 5 RFT

500m row

10+10 KB thruster 24/16

15 pullup

10 T2B


Strength & Accessory W.O.D

Power Clean 8*1*90% 1RM OR establish 1RM

Ring Pull Ups (use bands by ability): 3*8-12
One arm DB snatch 3*8-12 (each arm)
Weighted Plank 4sets*30-45sec*max weight

W.O.D 23/8/18

CrossFit  W.O.D

Strength: Back Squat

  1. A) Backsquat 5x5x Weight from elements class
  2. B) Backsquat 5x5x90% 5RM
  3. C) Backsquat 5x5x90%5RM
  4. D) Backsquat 6x3x90%3RM
  5. E) Backsquat 6x3x80%1RM


MetCon: 2 Rds for Reps

4min AMRAP
8 Toes 2 Bar

6 Power cleans 60/40

4 Front Squats

*rest 2 min between rounds

*Ask coach for mods


Olympic weightlifting  W.O.D

  1. 20 min to find 3 RM Snatch
  2. Power clean & Power jerk 6×1+4×60-70%
  3. OHS 15 min to find 3RM
  4. Split press 5x5x85% 5RM shoulder press
  5. Hang clean pull 5x5x100%

W.O.D 22/8/18

CrossFit  W.O.D

Strength: Chinups by ability 5×3-5


Skill: Ring muscle up


MetCon: For Time

50 Wall Balls
100 DU
50 Wall balls

*Ask coach for scaling options.

Strength & Accessory W.O.D

KB/DB Floor Press
Fat grip deadlift

5-5-5-5; +5*80% (from last set)

MetCon: For time
100m FR KB Carry (L)
100m FR KB Carry (R)
100m Suitcase carry (R)

100m Suitcase carry (L)

*Every time you pause, pefrorm 10 kb Swings. Use AHAP KB by ability,

W.O.D 21/8/18

CrossFit  W.O.D


A) Shoulder Press 5x5xWeight from elements class

B) Shoulder Press find 5RM

C) Floor Press find 3RM

D+E) Floor Press Find 1RM


MetCon: 3 Rounds for time & Reps
400m RUN
Max reps unbroken push press

A) 20/15kg
B) 30/20kg
C) 45/30kg
D) 60/42.5kg


Olympic weightlifting  W.O.D

  1. Clean 3x3x70% | 2x3x80% | 1x2x85% | 2x1x90% | 1x1x95%
  2. Pushpress from racks 6x4x65%(C&J)
  3. Snatch pull 6x3x90%
  4. Backsquat 6x3x75%

W.O.D 20/8/18

CrossFit  W.O.D

Strength: Deadlift

  1. A) Deadlift 5x5x Weight from elements class
  2. B) Deadlift Find 5RM (+2.5 kg) 5RM
  3. C) Hang power clean Find 3RM
  4. D) Squat Clean Find 3RM
  5. E) Squat Clean Find 3RM


MetCon: For time
50 Box Jumps 60/50cm
100 Air Squats
200 Double unders

Strength & Accessory W.O.D

KB/DB Strict Press
Barbell Good Mornings

5-5-5-5; +5*80% (from last set)

Deadlift (BW) 2-4-6-8-10
*200m run between each set.


Gymnastics  W.O.D

5* HS Hold + 5*30sec hollow body

Lever – 5*12s / 5*5 Arch Pull ups

50 QUALITY shoulder taps, then:

3 rounds for quality, cut down reps as needed:

10 Pull ups

30sec ring support

10 HSPU / Pike

10 1 arm OHS

30sec plank (add weight)