WOD 17/8/17


1) Press:

  1. A) Shoulder press 5x5xelements WT

B+) Gymnastic push – 5×5-10* pushup/pike/mat HSPU/ HSPU/DHSPU/RHSPU


2) All levels:Gymnastic pull


Once more than 10 reps can be performed, move up in progression.

MetCon: 3RFT
30 Sit Ups
20 One Arm KB S2OH

A) 12/8kg
B) 16/10kg
C) 20/12kg
D) 24/16kg

WOD 16/8/17

Strength: Deadlift
A) Deadlift 5*5*5RM
B+) Deadlift 3*5*90%5RM; AMRAP*90% 5RM

MetCon:5 Rounds of
5 Sumo Deadlifts
20 Lunges
25 Double Unders

A) Ask coach for specific instructions.
B) 60/40kg- DU by ability
C) 82.5/60kg-DU
D) 102.5/70kg- DU
D+) 140/90kg-10 TU

WOD 15/8/17


1) Press:

  1. A) Shoulder press 5x5xelements WT

B+) Gymnastic push – 5×5-10* pushup/pike/mat HSPU/ HSPU/DHSPU/RHSPU


2) All levels:Gymnastic pull


Once more than 10 reps can be performed, move up in progression.

MetCon: 21-15-9-15-21 reps of
Toes 2 Bar
KB Swings

A) Quality V-ups- 12/8kg
B) K2E-16/12kg
C) T2B-24/16kg
D) Strict toes 2 bar- 32/24kg




For Time


1k Row

100 KBS


1k Row

100 Burpees


1k Row

100 TTB/V-Ups


1k Row

100 Ring Rows

WOD 14/8/17

Strength: Squat
A) Back Squat 5*5*5RM (From Elements1)
B) Back Squat 3*5*90% 5RM; AMRAP*90% 5RM.
C) Front Squat 3*5*90% 5RM; AMRAP*90% 5RM.

MetCon: For Time
30 Wall Ball shots 20/12lb
30 Power Cleans 42.5/30kg
30 Cal row
30 Front Squats 42.5/30kg

*Ask coach for scaling Options.

WOD 13/8/17


1) Press:

  1. A) Shoulder press 5x5xelements WT

B+) Gymnastic push – 5×5-10* pushup/pike/mat HSPU/ HSPU/DHSPU/RHSPU


Skill: Kipping Pull ups (Chin over the bar/C2B)/ Bar muscle ups.

MetCon: OPEN 16.3
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 7 minutes of:

10 power snatches

3 bar muscle-ups

Men use 35kg.

Women use 25kg.

*Ask coach for scaling options.

WOD 11/8/17


5 Rounds For Load

Complete 7 Unbroken Sets of this Complex:

1 Power Clean

1 Front Squat

1 Push Press

1 Back Squat

1 Push Press

Complete all 5 movements for 1 repetition of the complex. Complete the complex 7 times, unbroken (without letting go of the bar or resting it on the ground) for 1 round. Complete 5 unbroken rounds, increasing the weight and resting as needed between each round. Score is max weight used for your 5th unbroken round

(40min time cap)




“The Seven”

Seven rounds for time of:

7 Handstand push-ups

60kg, Thruster, 7 reps

7 Knees to elbows

110kg Deadlift, 7 reps

7 Burpees

7 Kettlebell swings, 32kg

7 Pull-ups

WOD 10/8/17


1) Press:

  1. A) Shoulder press 5x5xelements WT

B+) Gymnastic push – 5×5-10* pushup/pike/mat HSPU/ HSPU/DHSPU/RHSPU


2) All levels:Gymnastic pull


Once more than 10 reps can be performed, move up in progression.

20 min EMOM Of

even min Death by Push ups (scale up to clapping push ups by ability.)
-odd min Death by Ring rows (scale up to deficit RR or Strict Chin ups by ability)

WOD 9/8/17

Strength: Deadlift
A) Deadlift 5*5*5RM (From Elements 3)
B+) Deadlift 4*5*85% 5RM; AMRAP*85% 5RM.

40 Russian Swings
30 Wall Balls
20 One Arm Weighted Step Ups

A) 12/8kg KB
B) 16/10kg KB
C) 24/16kg KB
D) 32/24kg KB.

WOD 8/8/17


1) Press:

  1. A) Shoulder press 5x5xelements WT

B+) Gymnastic push – 5×5-10* pushup/pike/mat HSPU/ HSPU/DHSPU/RHSPU

Skill: Kipping Pull ups/BMU Progression

E2MOM For 20 min
10 Pull ups (try to use kipping)
5 Burpees




2017 CF Games Events, CF DIZ Style:


Triple- G Chipper


100 pull-ups

80 sit-ups

60 pistols, alternating

40-cal. row

20 KB push presses




Assault Banger

40/30-cal. Row

100 Russian KB Swings

WOD 7/8/17

Strength: Squat
A) Back Squat 5*5*5RM (From Elements1)
B) Back Squat 4*5*85% 5RM; AMRAP*85% 5RM.
C) Front Squat 4*5*85% 5RM; AMRAP*85% 5RM.

MetCon: 12-18-24-18-12 reps of
Deadlifts BW (Scale to ¾ BW/ ½ BW)
OH Reverse Lunges

A) 10/5kg
B) 15/10kg
C) 20/10 kg
D) 25/15kg