WOD 27/8/17
Strength: Press
A) Strict Press 5*5*5RM
B) Strict Press Establish 5RM
C+) Push Press establish 5RM.
MetCon: “Mary” 20 min AMRAP
10 Alt. Pistols
15 Pull ups
*Ask Coach for Scaling options.
Strength: Press
A) Strict Press 5*5*5RM
B) Strict Press Establish 5RM
C+) Push Press establish 5RM.
MetCon: “Mary” 20 min AMRAP
10 Alt. Pistols
15 Pull ups
*Ask Coach for Scaling options.
Strength/Skill: 20 minutes to complete strength missed this week OR to practice kipping pullup
Metcon:partner WOD
P-1 Plank
P-2 Work on Chipper
10 Cal Row
20 DL 100/75
30 pullup
40 pistol
50 T2B
60 Pushup
70 Wallballs
80 burpees
90 KBS 24/16
100 DU
Skill: Coaches Choice
For time: 10-9-8..1 reps of
Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
Deficit Ring rows
A) 24/16kg KB
B) 32/24kg KB
C) 42.5/30kg
D) 50/35kg
“The Don”
For time:
66 Deadlifts, 50kg/30kg
66 Box jump, 60/50 box
66 Kettlebell swings, 24kg/16kg
66 Knees to elbows
66 Sit-ups
66 Pull-ups
66 Thrusters, 25kg/15kg
66 Wall ball shots, 20/14 pound ball
66 Burpees
66 Double-unders
1) Press:
B+) Gymnastic push – 5×5-10* pushup/pike/mat HSPU/ HSPU/DHSPU/RHSPU
2) All levels:Gymnastic pull
Once more than 10 reps can be performed, move up in progression.
In Front Of Running Clock Perform For reps
1min MedBall Cleans 20/12lb
1min Row (cal)
1 min Sit Ups
1min Double Inders
2min Medball Cleans
2min row
2min sit usp
2min DU
3min MedBall Cleans
3min row
3min sit ups
3min DU
Olympic weightlifting WOD 24/8
Strength: Deadlift
A) Deadlift 5*5*5RM
B+) Deadlift 2*5*95%5RM; AMRAP*95% 5RM
MetCon: 7 rounds for reps of 2min work with 2 min rest
2 Power Cleans
4 Front Squats
8 Deadlifts
A) Ask coach for specific instructions.
B) 42.5/30kg
C) 50/35kg
D) 60/42.5kg
E) 82.5/50kg
1) Press:
B+) Gymnastic push – 5×5-10* pushup/pike/mat HSPU/ HSPU/DHSPU/RHSPU
Skill: Kipping: Pull ups/ Bar MU.
MetCon: 4 Rounds Of
4min AMRAPs
3 Turkish Get Ups L
3 Turkish Get ups R
5 BMU (scale by ability: Jumping BMU/Strict False grip chin ups/Chin ups/Jumping chin ups)
Rx’d 32/24kg (Ask coach for scaling options)
*1min Rest Between Rounds.
Olympic weightlifting WOD 22/8
“Partner Fatal 40”
For time:
40 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs
40 Hang Cleans, 42.5/30
40 Pull-ups
40 Deadlifts, 42.5/30
40 Push-ups
40 Box Jumps, 60/50
40 Kettlebell Swing (American)s, 24/16
40 Toes-to-bars
40 Air Squats
40 Hang Snatches, 42.5/30
40 Double Unders
40 Sit-ups
40 Burpees
Row 400m between exercise (alternate w/partner)
Strength: Squat
A) Back Squat 5*5*5RM (From Elements1)
B) Back Squat 2*5*95% 5RM; AMRAP*95% 5RM.
C) Front Squat 2*5*95% 5RM; AMRAP*95%
MetCon: In teams Of 2 Complete 20min AMRAP OF
50 Double KB Deadlifts
100m Farmer Carry
20 Burpees
Rx’d-32/24kg (Ask coach for scaling options)
1) Press:
B+) Gymnastic push – 5×5-10* pushup/pike/mat HSPU/ HSPU/DHSPU/RHSPU
MetCon: “Grace”
Complete for time 30 reps of
Clean&Jerk 60/42.5kg
*Ask Coach For scaling Options.
Warmup: 36 Burpees
“The Chief”
5 Rds of 3 min work 1 minute rest
3 Power clean 60/40
9 Airsquat
Happy birthday Maayan!
Skill : Kipping: Pull Ups/BMU
“Frantasy Land”
For Time
21-15-9 reps of:
Thrusters (42.5/30 kg)
15-12-9 reps of:
Thrusters (50/40 kg)
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
12-9-6 reps of:
Thrusters (60/45kg)
Bar Muscle-Ups
30 rounds for time of:
5 Wall ball shots, 20/14 pound ball
3 Handstand push-ups
1 Power clean (100/80)
Scaling options: Pike Pushups/Push press, 70%1RM clean/Heavy DL