WOD 27/9/17

Strength: Press
A) Shoulder Press 5*5*EW
B) Shoulder Press 5*3*90% 5RM
C,D,E) Push Press 5*3*90% Push Press

MetCon: 3 Rounds for time
400m Run
21 Push Press
12 Toes 2 Bar

A) 20/15kg-Vups
B) 30/20kg- Vups
C+D) 42.5kg/30kg
E) 70/50kg-Strict toes 2 bar.

WOD 26/9/17

Skill: Ring Muscle Ups



By ability

10 min EMOM

1-5 (Ring muscle ups/ False grip strict ring pulls ups/ false grip ring rows)


OR : Beast mode

10min Of Death by unbroken Ring MU


MetCon: 9min AMRAP

7 Burpee Pull ups

8 KB SDHP 32/24kg


*Ask coach for modifications.




For time:
120 double-unders
60 chest-to-bar pull-ups
60 hang power snatches (42.5kg/30kg)
120 double-unders



WOD 25/9/17

Strength: Squats
A) Back Squat 5*5*5EW
B) Back Squat 5*3*90%5RM
C,D,E) Front Squat 5*3*90% 5RM.
D+) Establish 1RM Squat Clean.

MetCon”: “Nancy” 5 RFT

400m Run

15 OHS 42.5/30kg


*Ask coach for modifications.

WOD 24/9/17

Strength: Press

A) Shoulder Press 5*5*EW
B+) Dips By ability (Bench/Bar/ Ring (band assisted)/ Strict ring dips) 5*5-10 reps

MetCon: “Elizabeth”
21-15-9 Reps Of
Cleans 60/40kg
Ring Dips
(10min time cap)

*Ask coach for Modifications.

WOD 23/9/17

Strength: Complete Missed Lift.

MetCon: In teams Of 2 perform for time.

100 OH Lunges 20/15kg
50 Box Jumps 60/50 cm
50 Pull ups
100 DU

P1- WOrk
P2- Holds 32/24kg kb.

WOD 22/9/17

MetCon: “Holleyman”

30 Rounds For Time

5 Wall Balls (20/12 lb)

3 Handstand Push-Ups

1 Power Clean (102.5/70kg –  scale to AHAP clean By ability)

*ask coach for scaling options.

WOD 20/9/17

Strength: Deadlift.
A) Deadlift 5*5*5RM
B) Deadlift Establish 5RM.
C+) Snatch Grip Deadlift Establish 5RM.


for time:

100 airsquat

100 Situps

75 DU/25TU

75 Wallballs

50KB swing 24/16

50 Pushups

25 Burpee pullup

25 box jump 60/40

WOD 19/9/17

Strength: Press

  1. A) Shoulder Press 5*5*5RM
    B+) Floor Press Establish 5RM.

    MetCon: For time Complete (By ability)
    100 HRPU/ 75 Kipping HSPU/ 50 Strict HSPU/ 30 Ring HSPU

    *EMOM perform 15 DU/ 5TU.




For time:

5 rope climbs, 15-ft. rope

75 thrusters, 35/25kg.

50 ring dips

5 rope climbs, 15-ft. rope

50 overhead squats, 35/25kg.

75 sit-ups

5 rope climbs, 15-ft. rope

*Rope Climb subs: 5 pull-ups + 5 knees to elbows OR 15 rope/towel pull ups

WOD 18/9/17


A) Back Squat 5*5*5RM.
B) Back Squat Establish 5RM
C+) Front Squat EStablish 5RM

MetCon: Regionals 2016 EVENT 4
4 Rounds for time
28 Pistols
15 Power Cleans 52.5/35kg

(18min Cap)
*Ask Coach For scaling options.

WOD 17/9/17

Strength: Press
A)Shoulder Press Press 5*5*5RM
B) Shoulder Press Establish 5RM 5RM
C+) Push Press Establish 5RM

MetCon: “Nate” 20min AMRAP
2 Ring MU
8 American KB swings 32/24kg

*Ask Coach For Scaling Options.