There is a good chance that the weather will not cooperate tomorrow and allow us to train on the beach, BUT we are still proceeding as planned with the “Friends and Family WOD”. There will be multiple, short partner WODs, held inside if we need to. They will be appropriate for ALL levels, so feel free to bring Friends and Family!
And in place of a BBQ, we will have a post Pesach pizza party! We’ll be getting some delicious pies from Mike’s Pizza Place. They will arrive around 1530.
Mobility Seminar begins at 17:00 and is SOLD OUT!
The box will be run as open gym! come in to practice your skills, coaches will be available to help you with skill-work, and will recommend a wod for you when you come in. Chag sameach!!
15 min Snatch practice
then establish 2RM Overhead squat) then
200m run
30 ring dips
200m run
30 wall balls 20/12 lb
200 m run
30 OHS 40/30 kg
200m run
WOD 12/4/15
/in WOD /by Maayan MoskowMorning Quickie WOD (7:30)
20 min AMRAP
-200m ROW
-10 goblet squat
-10 pushups
10 wallballs
-10 situps
-10 kb swing
Technique: HS holds
5xMAX strict deficit HSPU/weighted pushups
Partner WOD
P1- plank
3 burpees
6 clapping pushups
9 goblet squat
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
WOD 11/4/15
/in WOD /by Maayan MoskowBeach WOD/Friends and Family WOD
There is a good chance that the weather will not cooperate tomorrow and allow us to train on the beach, BUT we are still proceeding as planned with the “Friends and Family WOD”. There will be multiple, short partner WODs, held inside if we need to. They will be appropriate for ALL levels, so feel free to bring Friends and Family!
And in place of a BBQ, we will have a post Pesach pizza party! We’ll be getting some delicious pies from Mike’s Pizza Place. They will arrive around 1530.
Mobility Seminar begins at 17:00 and is SOLD OUT!
WOD 10/4/15
/in WOD /by cftaSkills
Kipping pullup
Open Box
The box will be run as open gym! come in to practice your skills, coaches will be available to help you with skill-work, and will recommend a wod for you when you come in. Chag sameach!!
15 min Snatch practice
then establish 2RM Overhead squat)
200m run
30 ring dips
200m run
30 wall balls 20/12 lb
200 m run
30 OHS 40/30 kg
200m run
Post your results to the Whiteboard.