WOD 2/8/15

Workout of the Day

This Week (week of 2/8):
Sunday Night: NO evening classes at Dizengoff. ALL CrossFit classes on Sunday evening will be held at Atarim. (This is a one time only occurence, additional training spots will be made available)(For those of you that take Pole Dancing, the group will still meet at Dizengoff on Sunday night)

Monday Night: No Gymnastics

Tuesday Night: NO Odd Object Training and NO Olympic Weightlifting. There will be a one time only Intermediate WOD on Tuesday in its place.

Thursday Night: No Olympic Weightlifting


0-1:5×5 with elements weight
1-6: find 5RM
6+: find 1RM


15 min AMRAP:

400m run OR row OR 100 DU (athlete/coach chooses. Can switch between rounds)

15 Goblet Squat (24/16)

15 Burpees

Intermediate CrossFit
Shoulder+wrist mobility drills.
Then establish 5RM Push press.
MetCon: For time
25 ring dips
50 wall balls
100 DU
50 burpee over the box jump (jump on the box then turn, no needs for full ext. on the box.) 60/50 cm
25 deficit (25 kg plate)/regular HSPU
Rest and then Accessory work
4*6 KB strict press
3*15-20 Triceps ext.

Post your scores to the Whiteboard.