WOD 26/11/15

November Programming:




**You can click on any of the hyperlinked movements below to see a video demonstration!**

Strength: Gymnastic push by ability.

1) Weighted Push ups 5×5-10
2) Strict HSPU 5×5-10 (Scale down to elevated if needed)
3) Deficit HSPU (25 kg plate) 5×5-10
4) Ring HSPU 5 x Max Effort

Technique: Kipping/Butterfly Pull Up

MetCon: For Time
20 Pull ups
30 Push ups
40 Toes 2 bar
50 Air squat

1) Jumping pull ups + HRPU + v-ups + air squats
2) Pull ups + Clapping push ups + K2E + Jumping squats
3) C2B Pull ups + Ring dips + T2B + Alternating Pistols