W.O.D 1/6

Crossfit WOD

Mobility: shoulder mobility drills

Skill: Handstand holds

  • Hollow body practice
  • Chest to wall holds
  • Free handstand practice
  • 1 arm HS progression

MetCon: for time


Strict chinup

American KBS 32/24

Goblet squat 32/24

* 15 min time cap

** Ask coach for mods

Strength & Accessory WOD

1) Power clean 3-3-2-2-1-1-1
2) Pull ups 5-4-3-2-ME
(add weight by ability)

MetCon: 3 Rounds for Reps

1min ring rows (deficit)
1min Sit ups
1min Air Squats
1min KB Swings 16/12kg

Endurance W.O.D

MetCon: 5 Rounds for Time

10 Pullup

15 Burpee box jump

20 Knees to elbows

25 Airsquats