
WOD 6/12/16

Skill: Turkish get ups

MetCon: In teams of 2 complete 30 min AMRAP:

6 Legless Rope Climbs

12 TGU (weights by ability)

WOD 5/12/16

Strength: Barbell pull – Deadlift

A) Deadlift 5*5 with weight from elements.
B) Deadlift 5*5*90%  5RM.
C+D) Sumo Deadlift 6*2*90% 2RM

MetCon: For time 21-15-9 reps of:

Box Jumps

A) Ask Coach For Specific options.
B) 24/16kg KB- 60/50cm.
C) 32/24kg-60/50cm
D) 50/35kg-70/60cm

WOD 1/12/16

Strength: Squats

A) Back Squat 5*5 with weight from elements
B) Back Squat Establish 5RM.
C+D) Front Squat establish 2RM.

MetCon: 9min AMRAP

9 Toes 2 Bar
12 DU

A) Ask coach for specific instructions.
B)KB 24/16kg – K2E – DU by ability
C)45/30 kg
D) Front Squats 60/42.5kg- T2B – UNBROKEN DU

WOD 29/11/16

Skill: Turkish get up.

MetCon: In teams of 2 perform 24 min AMRAP.

200m Farmer carry 32/24 kg
20 Turkish get ups (weights by ability)

*Ask coach for scaling options

WOD 28/11/16


Strength: Barbell pull – Deadlift

A) Deadlift 5*5 with weight from elements.
B) Deadlift Establish 5RM.
C+D) Sumo Deadlift establish 2 RM.

MetCon: 15-10-5 reps of

Power Cleans
Box Jumps

A) Ask coach for scaling options.
B) 30/20kg- Pike Push ups (HSPU by ability)-60/50 cm
C) 50/35kg-HSPU-60/50cm
D) 70/42.5kg-Strict HSPU-70/60cm

WOD 25/11/16

Skill: Barbell snatch practice

MetCon: “Isabel”
30 reps for time of
Snatch 60/42.5kg

*Ask coach for scaling options.

WOD 23/11/16


Strength: (By ability)
1) Push ups 4*6-10 reps (if you can do more than 10 unbroken, scale up to next option)
2) Pike push ups 4*6-10
3) Partial Strict HSPU 4*6-10 (Start from 3 blue mats)
4) Strict HSPU 4*6-10 (If you can do more than 10 unbroken HSPU on last set, scale up to deficit or ring HSPU)

MetCon: 10 min AMRAP
3 Clean & jerks
9 Box Jumps

A) Ask coach for specific instructions.
B) 40/25kg- Pull ups by ability/ 60/50cm
C) 50/35kg- Muscle ups by ability- 70/60cm
D) 80/45kg-RMU-70/60cm

WOD 22/11/16


Skill: L-sit+ Overhead mobility drills.

MetCon: 10 RFT
200m run
20 DU
15 KB swings
10 OH Lunges

A) Ask coach for specific instructions
B) DU by ability- 16/12kg swings- 15/10kg bumper plate
C) 24/16kg KB- 25/15kg plate
D) Unbroken DU/ 24/16kg american swings/ Alt. pistols.

WOD 21/11/16

Strength: Barbell Pull – Deadlift

A) Deadlift 5*5 with weight from elements.
B) Deadlift Establish 5RM
C-D) Deadlift 6*3*90% 3RM.

Skill: Snatch Practice

MetCon: 15-10-5 reps of
Pull ups
Burpee OTB

A) Ask coach for specific instructions.
B) 30/20kg- Pull ups by ability
C) 45/30kg- Pull ups
D) 70/42.5kg- C2B Pull ups


WOD 18/11/16


Skill: Snatch Practice.

MetCon: Death By Snatch (12min Cap)

A) Ask coach For specific Instructions
B) 30/20kg
C) 42.5/30kg
D) 70/40kg.

Cashout: By coach prescription

Rx’d Meet
OPEN 15.1 + 15.1a