WOD 8/2/16
Mobility Warm Up:
February Programming:
Strength: Squats/Cleans
A) Back squat 5*5 weight from elements
B) Front squat WU: 5*65% (5RM) 5*75% 5*85% (short period of resting between warm ups sets) then: 3 attempts to find 5RM…
C) Hang clean 5*3*80%
D) Clean 5*3*80%
A+B) Front rack mobility Drills.
C+D) Tempo (4-2-1) Front squat 3*3*105% clean
MetCon: 15 min AMRAP
400 m Run
15 Squats
10 Burpee over the bar
A) Goblet squats 16/12kg – burpee
B) Front squats 42.5/30kg
C) OHS 42.5/30kg
D) OHS 50/35kg