WOD 5/2/15
Power clean
“Power Clean Party”
(credit to rob orlando for this one)
EMOM complete 1 power clean
Men — Start at 60 kg pounds and increase by 5kg per minute until you hit 100. Once you hit 100 kg increase by 2.5 kg per minute until you fail a rep.
Women — Start at 30 kg and increase by 5 kg per minute until you hit 70kg. Once you hit 70 kg increase by 2.5 kg per minute until you fail a rep.
Men — if your 1RM is less than 100 pounds then start at 60 kg and increase by 2.5 kg pounds per minute until you miss a rep.
Women — if your 1RM is less than 70 kg then start at 30 kg and increase by 2.5 kg per minute until you miss a rep.
Post your results to the Whiteboard.
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