WOD 25/12/15

This Saturday at 14:00 December Throwdown!

A+B: Barbell Snatch
C+D: Establish 5RM OHS (From racks)

MetCon: 5 RFT
400 m run
15 Deadlifts

A) KB russian swing AHAP (with quality form)
B) 60/40 KG barbell
C+D) 80/50 kg barbell.

WOD 24/12/15


Hanstand: PU/Free standing/Walk
*By coach prescription.

MetCon: I go you go

3 Wall walks
5 Pull ups
7 KB swings

*Repetitions for each partner.

A) wall walksJumping pull ups-12/8 kg KB
B) Rx’d, 20/12 kg kb
C) wall walks– C2B pull ups- 24/16kg american swing.
D) Wall walksBar MU– 32/20 kg American swing

WOD 23/12/15


Front rack mobility drills
Then thrusters.

MetCon: “Kalsu”

For Time

  • 100 Thrusters (60/42.5kg)
  • 5 Burpees at the top of every minute

Start with 5 burpees. Then complete as many thrusters as possible until the minute is up. Repeat until 100 total thrusters are completed. If athlete does not finish score is number of rounds and reps completed.
*Ask coach for scaling options.

(30 min time cap)

WOD 22/12/15


Kipping: Dips/RMU


For Time:

30 RMU

*Ask coach for scaling Options

Cashout: By coach prescription.

WOD 21/20/15


Zarcher squat
*Increase weight each set to failure.


In teams of two complete:
20 Fronts squats
50 Toes 2 bar
40 Front rack lunges
50 Toes 2 bar

A) Goblet squats&lunges 16/12 kg- v-ups
B) 30/20 kg barbell- Knees 2 elbows
C+D) 42.5/30 kg barbell- toes 2 bar

WOD 20/12/15


Floor press 5-5-5-5-5
*Increase weight each set to failure


5 rounds for reps
Max reps (unbroken) Push press
Max reps pull ups

(20 min Cap)

A) KB push press 2×12/8kg – Jumping Pull ups
B) 30/20 kg Push pressPull ups
C+D) 42.5/30 kg push press– C2B Pull ups

WOD 18/12/15

Affiliate Cup, Friday 18/12/15

For the third year in a row CrossFit Tel Aviv will be competing in the Affiliate Cup! This is one of the bigger CrossFit competitions in Israel. It is a team based competition. Any Israeli affiliated CrossFit box is eligible to send a team of 6 (3 men and 3 women) to represent their box! There are over 50 “boxes” in Israel, but only 15 have the honor to field a team. You already knew that CrossFit Tel Aviv was one of the “fittest” places to train in Israel, but now it is confirmed! Even more than that, there are even fewer boxes that can say they have been there 3 years in a row!
Let’s show some pride in this accomplishment! Let’s show some pride in our athletes who will represent our community! In true Lion fashion we will stick together and support our team on game day in a PRIDE (a pack of Lions…). Please arrive to the event wearing CrossFit Tel Aviv gear and ready to yell, scream and cheer on our team! Ariel will be the point man for our supporters group, “The Pride” and will help make arrangements as we get closed to game day (where to meet, etc.)

***We are sending our strongest team yet this year! Both Atarim and Dizengoff will be closed on Friday 18/12 so we can come out and show our appreciation for the hard work our team has been putting in.***

What is the Affiliate Cup? What are the Events this year?

WOD 17/12/15

Affiliate Cup 18/12!


Come be a part of the Pride!


**You can click on any of the hyperlinked movements below to see a video demonstration!**

How to warm up for a 1RM attempts!

Strength: Gymnastic push

1) Weighted Push ups 5×5-10
2) Establish max unbroken strict HSPU
3) Establish max unbroken Deficit (25 kg plate) HSPU
4) Establish max unbroken Ring HSPU 

Technique: Ring MU

MetCon: “Nate”
20 min AMRAP of:
2 Ring MU
8 American KB swings 32/24 kg

*Ask coach for scaling options

WOD 16/12/15

Affiliate Cup 18/12!


Come be a part of the Pride!


**You can click on any of the hyperlinked movements below to see a video demonstration!**

How to warm up for a 1RM attempts!
Strength: Back Squat:
A) Back Squat 5×5 weight from Elements.
B) Back Squat – establish 5RM
C+D) Back Squat – establish 1RM

Technique: Hang Squat Clean practice.

MetCon: 3 RFT
10 hang clean 2 overhead
20 Over the bar burpee

A) 30/20 kg – lateral burpee (ask coach for specific instructions)
B) 42.5/30 kg – lateral burpee
C+D) 60/40 kg – bar facing burpee



Technique: Jerk practice 15 min (speed & quality)

Strength: Strict press (for repetitions) 3*8-12*70% (1RM)

MetCon: 12 min AMRAP of:

10 Thrusters 42.5/30 kg

15 Box Jumps 60/50 cm

WOD 15/12/15

Affiliate Cup 18/12!


Come be a part of the Pride!


**You can click on any of the hyperlinked movements below to see a video demonstration!**


Strength: Gymnastic Pull by ability:

1) 5×5-10 Ring row

2) Strict pull ups – Establish max reps of strict pull ups

3) Weighted pull up – establish 2rm

4) Rope Climbs – max reps of unbroken rope climbs

Technique: kipping ring dips

MetCon: 12 min AMRAP
5 Bar MU
10 Ring dips
15 Hollow rocks

1) 10 Jumping pull upsHRPU – hollow rocks
2) Pull upsbench dips – hollow rocks
3) Chest-2-Bar pull ups – Ring dips – hollow rocks
4) Rx’d