

Skill: Power Clean.

MetCon: “The chief is dead”

AMRAP in 24 minutes5 Cycles of 4 Minutes Each

3 Power Cleans (60/42.5kg)

6 Push-Ups

9 Air Squats

12 Deadlift

Rest 1 Minute Between Each 4-Minute Cycle

Complete as many rounds as possible (AMRAP) in 4 minutes, then rest 1 minute. Start each 4-minute cycle where you left off on the previous cycle. Repeat for a total of 5 cycles. Count total rounds and reps completed.

*Ask coach for scaling options


Speed Squat
Zarcher Squats 8*3*50-70%ME

MetCon: 30 min AMRAP I go you go
100m (each) front rack KB carry
5(each) strict chin ups
10 Burpee broad jumps


Rx’d meet
As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP) in 14 minutes70 Double-Unders

7 Ring Muscle-Ups

7 Snatches 70/47.5kg (not less than 35 kg for girls)

WOD 28/7/16


A) Deadlift 5*5 weight from elements
B) Back squat 5*5* 90% 5RM
C+D) Deadlift 8*2* 60-80% 2RM

MetCon: In front of running clock
2min KB Swings
3min Strict Pull ups
4min KB Goblet Squats
5 min Srtict Pull ups

* Ask coach for pull ups scailing options.

A) 16/12kg KB.
B) 20/16kg KB.
C) 24/20kg KB.
D) 32/24kg KB.



Speed Press
Dips 8*4* 60-80% ME

MetCon: 20 min EMOM
– even min 5+5 alt. KB Presses
– odd min 10 wieghted straight-leg sit ups

WOD 27/7/16


A) Strict Press 5*5 weight from elements
B) Strict press 5*5* 90% 5RM
C+D) 6*3* 60-80% 3RM

– Even Minutes: 5 S2OH
– Odd Minutes: 5 SDLHP

A) 20/15kg
B) 30/20kg
C) 45/30kg
D) 60/42.5kg

WOD 26/7/16

Skill: Kipping muscle ups: bar/ring

MetCon: “Jonesworthy”
For Time:

80 Air Squats

40 Kettlebell Swings  (24/16kg)

20 Pull-Ups

64 Air Squats

32 Kettlebell Swings (24/16kg)

16 Pull-Ups

50 Air Squats

25 Kettlebell Swings (24/16kg)

12 Pull-Ups

32 Air Squats

16 Kettlebell Swings (24/16kg)

8 Pull-Ups

16 Air Squats

8 Kettlebell Swings (24/16kg)

4 Pull-Ups

8 Air Squats

4 Kettlebell Swings (24/16kg)

2 Pull-Ups

WOD 25/7/16


A) Deadlift 5*5 weight from elements
B) Establish 5RM.
C+D) Establish 2RM conventional deadlift.

Skill: Squat Clean

MetCon: 5-10-15-10-5 Reps of
Squat cleans
Burpee over the box 60/50cm

A) 20/15kg
B) 30/20kg
C) 45/30kg
D) 60/42.5kg
ME Squat
Zarcher squat (from racks) 3-3-3-3-3-3Barbell good mornings 4*6-8
Bent over row (use KB/DB beginners use barbell) 3*10
Glute bridges 100 reps in any order

WOD 24/7/16


A) Strict Press 5*5 weight from elements
B) Strict press 5*5*90%5RM
C+D) Establish 3RM Strict press

Skill: Kipping ring dip

MetCon: Complete for time (by ability)
100 reps of ring dips
*EMOM perform 3 Strict Pull ups

**Ask coach for scaling options
ME Press
Bar dips 4-4-4-4-4 (add weight if needed)
KB/DB Press 4*8-10
Svend press 3*12-15
Triceps ext. 100 reps in any order

WOD 22/7/16


Skill: squat clean

MetCon: For time
15 Squat cleans
10 Burpee OTB
10 Squat cleans
10 Burpee OTB
5 Squat cleans
10 Burpee OTB

* Weights by coach prescribtion
**Add weight each set on cleans.

Speed pull

Conventional Deadlift 9*3*50-70% ME
MetCon: 7RFT

50m farmer carry (32/24kg scale down if neede)

5 Double kb swings

10 KB Deadlifts
*Use same KB for whole complex

Rx’d Meet
9-7-5 reps for time of
Ring MU
Thrusters 60/42.5kg

WOD 21/7/16


A) Back squat 5*5 with weight from elements
B) Back squat establish 5RM.
C+D) Back squat 6*2*60-80% 2RM (tempo 4-2-1)MerCon: 5RFT
200m run with plate 25/15kg
20 Wall balls
30 DU*Ask coach for scaling options,

Speed press

Close grip bench press (3sec pause at the bottom) 8*4*50-70% ME
MetCon: 20 min EMOM

*even min 5 Plyo push ups (hight by ability)

*odd min 5 strict chin ups (add weight by ability if needed)

WOD 20/7/16

A) Strict press 5*5 with weight from elements
B) Strict press establish 5RM (if done on sunday perform 5*5*80%5RM)
C) Push press 6*2*60-80%D) Push Jerk establish6*2*60-80%.

MetCon: In front of running clock
3min Push press
3min Strict Pull ups
2min Push press
2min Strict Pull ups
1min Push press
1min Strict pull ups

A) 20/15kg – Ring rows
B) 30/20kg – Strict pull ups
C) 45/30kg – Strict c2b
D) 60/42.5kg – Legless rope climps

WOD 19/7/16

Skill: Muscle ups: Ring/bar.
Ask coach for special instructions.

MetCon: 20min AMRAP
3 MU (ring/bar by ability)
6 Burpee box over (60/50cm)
9 Toes 2 bar