WOD 9/10/16

Skill: Overhead Squat Mobility Drills.

Strength: (By ability)
1) Push ups 4*6-10 reps (if you can do more than 10 unbroken, scale up to next option)
2) Pike push ups 4*6-10
3) Partial Strict HSPU 4*6-10 (Start from 3 blue mats)
4) Strict HSPU 4*6-10 (If you can do more than 10 unbroken HSPU on last set, scale up to deficit or ring HSPU)

MetCon: 15-10-5 reps of
KB Overhead squat L
One Arm Push ups L
KB Overhead squat R
One arm push ups R

A) Ask coach for specific Instructions
B) 12/8kg- Push ups by ability
C) 16/10kg- Push ups by ability.
D) 20/12kg – Push ups Rx’d.

WOD 7/10/16

Skill: Overhead Squat mobility drills.

Strength: (by ability):

Sotts press 5*6-8 reps (work for quality !!!)

MetCon: 10-9-7..1 reps of

Hang Power Snatch (30/20kg)
Strict Pull ups

*Ask coach for scaling options

WOD 6/10/16

Skill: Box Jump, by coach instructions establish max hight on box jump


Back Squat:

Establish 5RM Back Squat

MetCon: 21-15-9 reps of
Box Jumps

A) Russian Kb Swing (16/12kg)- box jumps by ability.
B) 60/35kg-60/50cm
C) 100/55kg-60/50cm
D) 2013 Regional event standarts 140/92.5kg DL/ -70/60 cm.

WOD 5/10/16

Skill: Barbell Hang Squat Snatch+Handstand Practice.

Strength: (by ability)
1) Push ups 4*6-10 reps (if you can do more than 10 unbroken, scale up to next option)
2) Pike push ups 4*6-10
3) Partial Strict HSPU 4*6-10 (Start from 3 blue mats)
4) Strict HSPU 4*6-10 (If you can do more than 10 unbroken HSPU on last set, scale up to deficit or ring HSPU)


15-12-9 reps of
Hang Squat Snatch
Toes 2 bar

A) Ask coach for specific instructions.
B) 30/20kg
C) 40/30kg
D) 50/35kg

WOD 4/10/16

Skill: By coach Prescription

MetCon: “Filthy Fiftty”.
For Time

50 Box Jumps (60/50 cm)

50 Jumping Pull-Ups

50 Kettlebell Swings (16/12kg)

50 Walking Lunges

50 Knees-to-Elbows

50 Push Press (20/15kg)

50 Back Extensions

50 Wall Balls (20/14 lbs)

50 Burpees

50 Double-Unders

WOD 2/10/16


Overhead squat mobility drills.


(by ability) Establish 3RM Overhead Squat.


“Nancy” 5RFT
400m run
15 OHS 42.5/30kg

*Ask coach for scaling options

WOD 30/9/16




Skill: Clean&Press

MetCon: “Happy birthday Pavel”29 Rounds of
1 Strict Chin Up
1 Clean&Press BW

*As scaling: scale chin ups to: jumping chin up or if you like your coach PAvel scale up to bar MU
Clean&Press Scaling Options: 25% BW/ 50% BW/ 75% BW

If You don’t like your coach Pavel go and do some 5k cardio run.
Rx’d meet:
Skill: Clean&Press

MetCon: “Happy birthday pavel”29 Rounds of
1 Clean&Press BW
If You don’t like your coach Pavel go and do some 5k cardio run, with a weighted vest..

Box Squat 9*2*50-70%ME

METCON: Same as regular class.

WOD 29/9/16

Strength: Back Squat/Deadlift+ Handstand by personal Program.

A) Back Squat 5*5 weight from elements
B) Back Squat  5*5*90%  5RM.
C+D) Deficit (15kg plate) clean pull to the knee pause 2 sec. and then explode up (use straps!!!)
6*2*60% From Monday

50 Wall balls
50 Toes 2 Bar
50 KB Swings 24/16kg
50 Broad jumps

*Ask Coach for scaling options.

WOD 28/9/16

Strength (by ability: try not to use racks, hang clean the bar to your shoulders)

A) Strict Press 5*5 weight from elements
B) Strict press 5*5*90% 5RM

C+D) 8*3*60-80%%  3RM Weghted ring dips.

MetCon: In front of running clock complete 3 rounds for reps of

1min row (cal)
1min HRPU
1min DU
1min Sit ups
*1min rest

*Ask coach for scaling options

WOD 27/9/16


hang power clean practice


In teams Of 2 perform

20min AMRAP:

10 HPC 60/42.5kg
20 Box Jumps 60/50cm