WOD 30/3/17

Strength: Squats

A) Back Squat 5*5*5RM
B) Back Squat 5*5*90% 5RM
C) Front Squat Establish 3RM
D) Snatch Balance 2-2-2-2-2-2 (add weight each set)

MetCon: 5 Rounds for time
9 Thrusters
9 Box jumps

A) G.Squats+Step Ups/Box Jumps by ability
B) 30/20kg-60/50 cm (step ups included)
C) 42.5/30kg-60/50cm
D) 50/40kg- 70/60cm

WOD 29/3/17


HSPU/Overhead Press


A) Strict Press 5×5 5Rm

B) Strict Press 5×5 80% 5RM (Deloading)

C) Strict HSPU 5 sets of max reps

D) Same as C scale up to deficit if needed



“1/2 Cindy”

10 min AMRAP

5 pull ups

10 Push Ups

15 air squats


beast Mode:

5 c2b Pull Ups

10 Ring Dips

15 goblet squats (16/10kg)

WOD 28/3/17

Strength: Strict Pull Ups by ability.
1) 0-1 Pull ups: 5 sets of ME partial ROM pull ups
2) 1-5 Pull ups: 5 sets of max reps
3) 5-10 Pull ups can be done: establish 3RM
4)10+ Pull ups: establish 5RM

MetCon: In teams of 2 complete 20min AMRAP
20 Ring Rows (scale up to parallel rows if needed)
30 KB Swings 24/16kg
40 Prisoner Lunges

*Ask coach for scaling options.

Olympic Weightlifting:

  1. Squat Clean 25 min work up to heavy single
  2. TNG jerk from racks 3x5x70% / 2x3x75%
  3. Snatch Pull 3x3x100% 3x2x110%
  4. Back Squat 1x3x80% / 1x2x85% / 1x1x90% / 1x1x95% / 1x5x75%

WOD 27/3/17

Strength: Barbell Pull

A) Deadlift 5*5*5RM
B) Deadlift 5*5*90% 5RM
C) Sumo Deadlift: Establish 3RM Sumo Deadlift
D) Snatch Grip Deadlift 5*5*110% Snatch

MetCon: For Quality
12-9-6-3-1 Reps of
Power Clean
Strict Toes 2 Bar
Burpee OTB

A) SDLHP*2 12/8kg- V ups
B) 40/25kg-Strict K2E
C) 60/35kg
D) 70/45kg

WOD 26/3/17

Strength: Overhead Press
A) Strict Press 5*5*5RM
B) Strict Press 5*5*90% 5RM
C+D) Push Press 6*3*80% 1RM

MetCon: in teams of 2 complete 18 min AMRAP

400M RUN

24 KB swings 24/16kg (American)


*ask coach for scaling options

WOD 24/3/17

Skill: By coach prescription

MetCon: In front of running clock complete 5 rounds for reps

1min Burpee
1min Box jumps 60/50cm
1min KB SDLHP 24/16kg
1min Double unders
1min Rest

WOD 23/3/17

Strength: Squats
A) Back Squat 5*5*5RM
B) Back Squat find 5RM
C+D) Front Squat 2-2-2-2-2-2

MetCon: 3-6-9-6-3 reps of
Bar Muscle Ups
Squat Cleans

A) Ask coach for specific instructions
B) C2B Pull ups/Jumping Pull ups*2-30/20kg
C) Bar Mu by ability- 50/35 kg
D) BMU- 70/45kg

Olympic Weightlifting:

  1. Snatch 2x3x70% / 2x2x80%/  2x1x855 / 1x1x90%
  2. C&J 2x(2+2)x75%/  2x(2+1)x85% / 1x(1+1)x90-95%
  3. Snatch Pull 5x3x100
  4. Backsquat 6x3x85%

WOD 22/3/17

Strength:Overhead Press/ Push Jerk Practice
A) Shoulder Press 5*5*5RM
B) Shoulder Press: Find 5RM (if already done perform 5x5x90%of 5RM)
C+D) Push Jerk 3-3-3-3-3-3

MetCon: Complete for time
40 Toes 2 Bar
50 Thrusters 20/15kg

A) Ask coach for Specific Instructions
B+) Pike PU-K2E
C) Rx’d
D) Strict HSPU

WOD 21/3/17

Strength/Skill: Strict Pull Ups/Bar Muscle Ups by coach prescription

MetCon: 20 min AMRAP
3 Bar MU
6 One legged squats
9 KB Swings (A) 32/24kg

*Ask coach for scaling options  

Olympic weightlifting:

  1. Out of breath Snatch: 25 min to work up to heavy single. (Perform 5 burpees before each set.)
  2. Power snatch 4x8x50-60%
  3. Front squat 6x3x80%

WOD 20/3/17

Strength: Barbell Pull
A) Deadlift 5*5*5RM
B) Deadlift find 5RM
C+D) Power Clean 2-2-2-2-2-2

MetCon: “The Chief”
Five 3-minute AMRAPs in 19 minutes

Complete AMRAP in 3 minutes:
3 Power Cleans (60/42 kg)
6 Push-Ups
9 Air Squats
Then Rest 1 minute

Repeat 5 times. Start each 3-minute cycle where you left off on the previous cycle and repeat for a total of 5 cycles. Count total rounds and reps completed.

*Ask for scaling options