WOD 3/10/18

Crossfit W.O.D

Strength: Barbell Push

A) Shoulder press 5×5 elements weight

B) Shoulder Press Find 5RM

C) Pushpress Find 3 RM

D,E) Jerk From Racks Find 1RM

Skill: Hang Cluster

MetCon10 min AMRAP:

10 Pullup

5 Hang Cluster

A) Pullup – Thruster 25/15kg

B) Pullup – Thruster 40/25

C) 5 BMU/5 pullup – Hang cluster 40/25kg

D+) 10 BMU /3BMU- Hang Cluster 60/40kg

Strength & Accessory W.O.D


Pushpress: 3-3-3-3; 3+x80% of last set

Hall Pulls: 3-3-3-3; 3+x80% of last set


one arm DB/KB row 3-4×10-15

banded pushups 3-4×10-15

WOD 2/10/18

Crossfit W.O.D

Skill: False grip hang

Strength: Gymnastic Pull & Push

By Abillity

  1. Ring Row + Box/Bar dips 5xME
  2. 5×5 False grip ring chinup + Ring Dips (Add Weight to both if possible)
  3. 5×5 Strict RMU (add Weight if possible)
  4. Advanced gymnastics pull-ask coach


MetCon: 4 Rounds for time

400m RUN

10 Ring dips

15 KB Swing

A) HRPU 16/12Kg KB

B) Ring pushup 24/16 KgC) Ring Dips, RKBS 32/24 Kg

D+) 10 KG Weighted Vest- Ring Dips-American Swing 32/24

W.O.D 1/10/18

Crossfit W.O.D


  1. A) Shoulder press 5×5 elements weight
  2. B) Shoulder Press Find 5RM
  3. C) Pushpress Find 3 RM
  4. D,E) Jerk From Racks Find 1RM

Skill: Hang Cluster

MetCon: 10 min AMRAP:

10 Pullup

5 Hang Cluster


  1. A) Pullup – Thruster 25/15kg
  2. B) Pullup – Thruster 40/25
  3. C) 5 BMU/5 pullup – Hang cluster 40/25kg
  4. D+) 10 BMU /3BMU- Hang Cluster 60/40kg

WOD 30/9/18

CrossFit WOD

Skill: HSPU (kipping)

MetCon: “Diane”


Deadlift 102.5



Cashout (time permitting)

Coaches choice.


с днем рождения!!!

(Happy birthday pavel!!)

WOD 29/8/18

CrossFit WOD

Skill: Double unders

MetCon: 4 rounds For time

30 DU

20 KB thruster (10+10) 24/16kg

WOD 28/9/18

CrossFit WOD

Skill:  Squat Snatch


MetCon: 5 Rds For time

5 Squat snatch

10 pullups


  1. A) Ask coach for specific instruction
  2. B) any snatch (hang/power etc)
  3. C) Squat snatch 50/30
  4. D) 60/35 – 5 BMU/C2B
  5. E) 60/40 – 5 BMU/3BMU

Endurance WOD

MetCon: 30 min Partner WOD

P-1 row 500m


5 pullup

10 Wallball

15 V-ups


Strength & Accessory WOD


Power Clean
6*1*90% 1RM OR establish 1RM.

Ring Rows (deficit by ability) 4*10-15
One Arm KB/DB Strict Press 3*10-15
Svend Press 3-4*15-20 reps

WOD 27/9/18

CrossFit WOD


A) Shoulder press 5x5xelements WT

B) Shoulder press 5x5x90%5RM

C,D,E) Pushpress 6x3x90%3RM


MetCon: For time

200m Suitcase carry 32/24


20 Goblet squat

20 Burpees

20 Ring dips

20 KB swing

200m Suitcase carry

Olympic Weightlifting WOD

  1. Hang clean (Beg: Clean from blocks) 2x3x75% 3x3x85% 2x2x90%
  2. C&J 3×1+3×70% 3×1+2×80% 2×1+1×90% 2×1+1×95%
  3. Snatch pull 4x4x90%
  4. Back squat 6x3x80%

WOD 26/9/18

CrossFit WOD


  1. A) Deadlift 5x5xelements WT
  2. B) Deadlift 5x5x90%5RM
  3. C) Power clean 6x3x90%3RM
  4. D) Squat clean 6x3x90%3RM
  5. E) Squat Clean 6x3x80%1RM


MetCon:  Partner “Kelly”
In teams of 2 perform for time 5 rounds
400m Partner run
30 Box Jumps 60/50cm
30 Wall Balls 20//12lb

P1- Work
P2- Rest

Gymnastics W.O.D

5*HS Hold

5 minutes kick up practice

35 shoulder taps / side

Strength & Accessory WOD
Strict Press
Back Squat

5-5-5-5; (+5)*80% From last set

MetCon: 20-15-10-5 reps of
KB Swings (AHAP by ability)
Walking lunges (steps)
Jumping Jacks

W.O.D 25/09/18

CrossFit WOD

Strength: in pairs 8minutes to accumulate as many strict pullup as possible


MetCon:  8 Rounds For Time
4 Toes 2 Bar
8 Front Rack KB Lunges

A) Ask Coach For specific instructions.
B) Pike PU-K2E-16/12kg
C) HSPU-T2B-24/16kg
D+E) Deficit (25/10kg bumper plate) HSPU – T2B- 32/24kg

WOD 22/9/18

CrossFit WOD

Skill: Kipping pullup

MetCon: “Chelsea”


5 pullups

10 pushups

15 Airsquat


*Modify number of reps / movements by coaches prescription (you should finish each round in appx 45-50 seconds)