WOD 8/1/18

Skill Warm Up: DU Practice

Strength: Squats
A) Back Squat 5*5*EW
B+C) Back Squat.4*5*85% 5RM; +5*85% 5RM
C+D) Front Squat 4*5*85% 5RM; +5*85% 5RM

MetCon: 3RFT
10 Overhead Squat
50 Double unders.

A) G.Squats 16/12 kg-SU
B) 30/20 kg- DU by ability.
C) 42.5/30kg – Double inders
D) 60/42.5kg- DU
E) 60/42.5kg- 20 TU

WOD 7/1/18

Strength: Dips
Perform by ability:
5*5-10 reps ( add weight if needed)
1) Bench Dips
2) Bar Dips
3) Ring Dips

MetCon: “Elizabeth”
21-15-9 reps of
Cleans 60/42.5kg
Ring Dips

*Ask coach for mod

WOD 6/1/18

StrengthComplete Missed Lift.

MetCon: “Angie”
Complete For time
100 Pull ups
100 Push ups
100 Sit Ups
100 Air Squats

*Ask coach for MOD options.

WOD 5/1/18

Warm up: 5min Double unders practice.

Skill: “False Grip”

Strength: Close grip Chin ups.
Perform by ability 5*5-10 reps
1) Partial ROM CG Chin Ups
2) Strict Close grip Chin ups
3) Weighted CG Chin Ups
4) Archer Chin Ups (perform 3*5-10 on each side)

5) One arm chinup 5xMax per side

MetCon: “Strongman MOD Jackie”

400m Suitcase carry (200m L+200m R) 24/16kg
50 One Kb Overhead squats 24/16kg
30 FG ring Pull ups (MOD to: FG ring rows/Ring MU/BMU)





For time:

Run 2 miles

Rest 2 minutes

20 Squat cleans (60/42.5)

20 Box jump, (60/50)

20 OH lunge steps with 20/15kg over

20 Box jump, (60/50)

20 Squat clean (60/42.5)

Rest 2 minutes

Run 2 miles

WOD 4/1/18

Strength: Deadlift
A) Deadlift 5*5*EW
B+C) Deadlift Establish 5RM.
D+E) Establish 5RM T&G Deadlift (Quality reps only!)

MetCon: In Front Of running Clock
4min AMRAP
5 Power Cleans
9 Over The Box jumps (Steps permitted for: A,B)

– 2 minutes rest

3min AMRAP
4 Power Cleans
7 Over the box Jumps

– 90 seconds rest.

2min AMRAP
3 Power Cleans
5 Over The box jumps

-1min Rest.

1min AMRAP
1 Power Clean
3 Over the box jumps.

Rx’d: ¾ BW clean, 60/50 cm Box
*(Scale Down by ability, ½ BW, ⅓ BW, KB SWING AHAP)


Olympic weightlifting:

  1. Snatch 20 min to find 3RM TNG snatch
  2. Hang clean 4x3x75% | 3x3x85%
  3. Jerk from racks 6x3x80%
  4. Good morning 5x5x~3RM snatch
  5. Tempo Backsquat 4(dec)-3(pause)-1(asc) 6x3x 75-85% by feel

WOD 3/1/18

Strength: Overhead Press

A) Shoulder Press 5*5*EW
B+C) Shoulder Press establish 5RM.
D) Push Press establish 3RM
E) Push Jerk Establish 2RM.

MetCon: For Time

15 Shoulder 2 Ovhead
10 Burpees OTB
10 Burpees OTB
25 Ring Dips
10 Burpee OTB
10 Burpees OTB
15 S2OH

A) Ask coach for specific instructions.
B) 30/20kg- Dips by ability
C+D) 42.5/30kg-Ring Dips
E) 50/35kg- Strict Ring Dips

WOD 2/1/18

Skill: “False grip”

Strength: Close grip Chin ups.
Perform by ability 5*5-10 reps
1) Partial ROM CG Chin Ups
2) Strict Close grip Chin ups
3) Weighted CG Chin Ups
4) Archer Chin Ups (perform 3*5-10 on each side)

5) One arm chinup 5xMax per side

MetCon: 16min AMRAP
7 False Grip ring Pull ups
9 KB Swings AHAP (has to be done unbroken)


Olympic weightlifting WOD:

  1. 20 min to establish 1RM C&J
  2. Power snatch 6x3x80%
  3. Snatch pull 5x5x100
  4. Front squat+backsquat 3×7+13×60%1RM backsquat






Five rounds for time of:

22 Kettlebell swings, (32/24)

22 Box jump, (60/50)

Run 400 meters

22 Burpees

22 Wall ball shots, (20/14)

WOD 1/1/18


Skill Warm Up:
DU Practice

Strength: Squats
A) Back Squat 5*5*EW
B+C) Establish 5RM Back Squat.
C+D) Establish 5RM Front Squat.

MetCon: 21-15-9 reps of
One arm OH KB Lunges (Repsx2)
Double unders

A) Lunges by ability- SU
B) 12/8kg-DU By ability
C) 16/10kg-DU
D+E) 24/16kg-UNBROKEN DU

WOD 31/12/17

Strength: Dips
Perform by ability:
5*5-10 reps ( add weight if needed)

1) Bench Dips
2) Bar Dips
3) Ring Dips

MetCon: 5 RFT

10 Push ups
15 Wall Balls
20 Sit Ups

A) HRPU-20/12lb
B) HRPU-20/12lb-0/5kg weighted sit ups
C) Ring Push ups (by ability)-20/12lb-15/10kg sit ups.
D,E) Ring Push Ups-20/14lb-20/15kg weighted sit ups.

WOD 29/12/17

Mobility: “Limber 11”

OPEN 11.5

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:

5 Power cleans (65/45 kg)

10 Toes to bar

15 Wall balls (20/12 lb.)

Ask coach For MOD.





Two rounds for time of:

200 Double-unders

50 Overhead squat, (60/42.5kg)

50 Pull-ups

Run 1 mile