WOD 18/1/18
Strength: Deadlift
A) Deadlift 5*5*EW
B+C) Deadlift 3*5*90% 5RM; 5+*90% 5RM
D+E) Deadlift (T&G) 3*5*90% 5RM; 5+*90% 5RM
(quality reps only!)
MetCon: “D.T.”
12 Deadlifts
9 Hang power Cleans
6 Push jerks
rx’d 70/45kg
Olympic weightlifting:
- Drop snatch work up to heavy triple
- 3 position snatch top to bottom 8 rounds at 75-85%
- Power snatch (use straps) 6x2x60-70%
- Tempo snatch pull 4x4x50% 5sec up 5 sec down
- Backsquat 5x3x80%