WOD 18/1/18

Strength: Deadlift
A) Deadlift 5*5*EW
B+C) Deadlift 3*5*90% 5RM; 5+*90% 5RM
D+E) Deadlift (T&G) 3*5*90% 5RM; 5+*90% 5RM
(quality reps only!)

MetCon: “D.T.”
12 Deadlifts
9 Hang power Cleans
6 Push jerks

rx’d 70/45kg

Olympic weightlifting:

  1. Drop snatch work up to heavy triple
  2. 3 position snatch top to bottom 8 rounds at 75-85%
  3. Power snatch (use straps) 6x2x60-70%
  4. Tempo snatch pull 4x4x50% 5sec up 5 sec down
  5. Backsquat 5x3x80%

WOD 17/1/18

StrengthOverhead Press
A) Shoulder Press 5*5*EW
B+C) Shoulder Press 3*5*90% 5RM; 5+*90% 5RM
D) Push Press 3*3*90% 3RM; 3+*90% 3RM
E) Push Jerk 3*2*90% 2RM; 2+*90% 2RM

Skill: HS Practice

MetCon: For Reps & Quality

In Teams Of 2 Perform 
12 min AMRAP
P1- HS Hold (By ability: Free/Face to wall/ Back to Wall/ Pike Holds)
P2- 100 m Run

WOD 16/1/18

Strength: Close grip Chin ups.
Perform by ability 5*5-10 reps
1) Partial ROM CG Chin Ups
2) Strict Close grip Chin ups
3) Weighted CG Chin Ups
4) Archer Chin Ups (perform 3*5-10 on each side)
5) One arm chinup 5xMax per side

MetCon: “Cindy Doing DU”
15min AMRAP
5 pull ups
10 Push Ups
15 Air Squats
20 DU

Olympic weightlifting:

  1. Clean complex: first pull+C.pull+HC+Cln+Jrk 1+1+2+1+1 7 sets start at 70% add weight by feel. *Beginners ask coach which segments to omit
  2. Squat jerk/ low power Jerk from racks: work up to heavy triple
  3. Pause (at knee 4sec) clean pull 6x3x85%
  4. Front rack lunge: 6×3+3×60-70% front squat




Part A. Three rounds for time of:

30 HR Push-ups

12 BMU

21 OHS (42.5/30)

12 BMU

Score time of completion

Rest 30 seconds.

Part B. Three rounds for time of:

30 Toes to bar

21 Ground to overhead (42.5/30)

Score time of completion

Rest 30 seconds.

Part C. Three rounds for time of:

12 Burpee box jump

20 C2B Pull Ups

Score time of completion

WOD 15/1/18

Skill Warm UpDU Practice

Strength: Squats

A) Back Squat 5*5*EW
B+C) Back Squat.3*5*90% 5RM; 5+*90% 5RM
C+D) Front Squat 3*5*90% 5RM; 5+*90% 5RM

Skill: Power Snatch

3 Rounds for reps:
1min Cal Row
1min Power Snatch 35/25kg (scale to 24/16kg KB SDHP)
1min Burpees
1min Wall Balls 20/12lb

WOD 14/1/18

Strength: Dips
Perform by ability:
5*5-10 reps ( add weight if needed)
1) Bench Dips
2) Bar Dips
3) Ring Dips

Skill: American KB Swings

MetCon: 21-15-9-15-21 reps of
American KB Swings
Push Ups

A) 12/8 kg swings- HRPU
B) 16/12kg- Ring Push Ups
C) 24/16kg- Ring Push Ups
D) 32/24kg- Ring Push ups
E) 32/24kg- Ring HSPU (7-5-3-5-7

WOD 13/1/18

StrengthComplete Missed Lift.

MetCon:  Arnie

With a single 2 pood (16kg) kettlebell:

21 Turkish get-ups, Right arm

50 Swings

21 Overhead squats, Left arm

50 Swings

21 Overhead squats, Right arm

50 Swings

21 Turkish get-ups, Left arm

*Ask coach for MOD.

WOD 12/1/18

Strength: Close grip Chin ups.
Perform by ability 5*5-10 reps
1) Partial ROM CG Chin Ups
2) Strict Close grip Chin ups
3) Weighted CG Chin Ups
4) Archer Chin Ups (perform 3*5-10 on each side)

5) one arm chinups 5xMax per side

MetCon: “Fran’’ 21-15-9 reps of
Thrusters 42.5/30kg
Pull ups

*Ask coach for MOD.




35 min AMRAP


400 m Run

40 Wall Balls

20 Toes to Bar

10 Burpee Box Jump overs

5 C2B pull ups

WOD 11/1/18

Strength: Deadlift
A) Deadlift 5*5*EW
B+C) Deadlift 4*5*85% 5RM; +5*85% 5RM
D+E) Deadlift (T&G) 4*5*85% 5RM; +5*85% 5RM
(quality reps only!)

MetCon: 10 RFT
200m run
10 Unbroken Russian KB Swings
AHAP (by ability)

Olympic weightlifting WOD:

  1. Drop snatch: 6×3 start at 50% add weight by feel
  2. Snatch(advanced)/Hang snatch(beginners) 2x3x75% | 2x2x85% | 2×1-2×90% | 2×1-2×90% | 2x1x95-100%
  3. Clean pull 8x3x100%
  4. Front squat 3x3x80% | 2x2x85% | 1x1x90% | 1x1x95%

WOD 10/1/18

Strength: Overhead Press

A) Shoulder Press 5*5*EW
B+C) Shoulder Press 4*5*85% 5RM; 5+*85% 5RM
D) Push Press 4*3*85% 3RM; 3+*85% 3RM
E) Push Jerk 4*2*85% 2RM; 2+*85% 2RM

MetCon: 5 RFT
10 Push Ups
20 Sit ups
30 Double unders

A) HRPU-Sit ups-SU
B) Plyo/HRPU Push ups-sit ups-DU
C,D,E) Clapping push ups- sit ups- DU

WOD 9/1/18

Strength: Close grip Chin ups.
Perform by ability 5*5-10 reps
1) Band Assisted CG Chin Ups
2) Strict Close grip Chin ups
3) Weighted CG Chin Ups
4) Archer Chin Ups (perform 3*5-10 on each side)

Skill: Ring MU

MetCon: For time

5 Ring MU
10 KB One arm Push Press (each arm)
7 Ring MU
15 KB front Rack lunges (reps per each Leg)
9 Ring MU
20 KB swings

A) Ask coach for scaling options- 12/8kg KB
B) MU By ability/ 16/12kg
C+D) 24/16kg
E) Strict Ring MU- 32/24kg

Olympic weightlifting WOD:

  1. 3 position clean: 3×1+1+1×60% | 3×1+1+1×70%
  2. C&J: 3×1+3×70% | 3×1+2×80% | 2×1+1×90%
  3. Tempo snatch Snatch pull (5 sec up, 1 sec pause, 5sec down) 5x3x60%
  4. Good Morning 5×5-8x1RM snatch






For time:


Run 1K


25 Squats

25 Push-ups

25 Pull-ups

25 Sit-ups

50 Squats

50 Push-ups

50 Pull-ups

50 Sit-ups

75 Squats

75 Push-ups

75 Pull-ups

75 Sit-ups


Row 1K