WOD 23/2/16

Mobility Warm Up:

February Programming:



Gymnastic Pull by ability:
1) 5xME supine ring rows.
2) Tempo Pull ups 5×3 (start from the top, with your chin over th bar, hold 3 sec then slowly 3 sec go down)
3) Strict Pull ups 5×5-10 (add weight if needed)
4) L-Pull ups/chin ups 5xME

MetCon: “Ivan the Terrible”

For Time

90 Seconds Jump Rope

50 Lunges

50 Push-Ups

50 Sit Ups

90 Seconds Jump Rope

40 Lunges

40 Push-Ups

40 Sit-Ups

90 Seconds Jump Rope

30 Lunges

30 Push-Ups

30 Sit-Ups

90 Seconds Jump Rope

20 Lunges

20 Push-Ups

20 Sit-Ups

90 Seconds Jump Rope

10 Lunges

10 Push-Ups

10 Sit-Ups

*Note: On 90 sec Jump rope perform by ability: 1) SU, 2) DU, 3) TU.

25min Time cap.