WOD 15/2/16
Mobility Warm Up:
February Programming:
Strength: Squats/Cleans
A) Back squat 5*5 weight from elements
B) Front Squat 5*5*90% (5RM)
C) Hang clean 2*85%, 2*90%, 1*95% of Front Squat, 2*Max reps 100%Clean
D) Same as C – Clean.
MetCon: 20 min AMRAP
10 Front Rack Lunges
12 T2B
15 Burpee
A) Goblet Lunges 16/12kg- V-ups – Burpee
B) 30/20kg- K2E – Burpee over the bar
C) 40/30kg- T2B – Burpee over the bar.
D) 60/45- T2B – Burpee over the bar