this month we will be dedicated to developing our pulluing strength and our Clean technique. expect PLENTY of pullup/Ring muscle up work (appx twice a week). we will also be dedicating time to developing or kip on the rings.
this will all be celebrated at our end of the month throwdown the “CFTA Liftoff”. the liftoff will have 2 events, the first is 3 attempts to find 1RM clean, and he second will be an AMRAP ladder of pullups/RMUs and deadlifts, stay tuned for more info on this during the month!
this month will also see the READY FOR ACTION GAMES (RFA) taking place for the 7th year. your favorite trooper Adriana will be representing us at the event. this is the highest level crossfit competition in israel, and is quite an emmpresive event, i expect to see you all there cheering her on!
also, we will be running a cool challenge this month called the bingo challenge, more information on that will be posted in the FB group.
so lots of great action going on this month, im already excied to see how many first pullups and first muscle up we unlock this month.
W.O.D 1/5/2018
/in WOD /by Kaitlyn EggersHappy May!
this month we will be dedicated to developing our pulluing strength and our Clean technique. expect PLENTY of pullup/Ring muscle up work (appx twice a week). we will also be dedicating time to developing or kip on the rings.
this will all be celebrated at our end of the month throwdown the “CFTA Liftoff”. the liftoff will have 2 events, the first is 3 attempts to find 1RM clean, and he second will be an AMRAP ladder of pullups/RMUs and deadlifts, stay tuned for more info on this during the month!
this month will also see the READY FOR ACTION GAMES (RFA) taking place for the 7th year. your favorite trooper Adriana will be representing us at the event. this is the highest level crossfit competition in israel, and is quite an emmpresive event, i expect to see you all there cheering her on!
also, we will be running a cool challenge this month called the bingo challenge, more information on that will be posted in the FB group.
so lots of great action going on this month, im already excied to see how many first pullups and first muscle up we unlock this month.
today is labour day, so ITS TIME TO GET TO WORK!
coach yoni
Crossfit WOD
Warmup: Scapula/Rotator cuff stability drills
Strength: chinup/RMU progression (by ability)
MetCon: 3 Rounds For Time (10 min time cap)
40 Double Unders
30 Airsquats
20 Pushups
10 KB thrusters 24/16
Olympic weightlifting WOD
/in WOD /by Kaitlyn EggersStrength:
A. Shoulder press 5x5x Elements Weight
B. Shoulder press Find 5RM
C+. Pushpress Find 3RM
MetCon: Partner WOD
For time
100 S2OH 60/42.5
Ask coach for scaling options
W.O.D 29/4/18
/in WOD /by YoniCrossfit W.O.D
A) Backsquat 5x5xElements Weight
B) Backsquat find 5RM
C+) Barbell Lunge Find 3RM
MetCon: 3RFT
400m run
20 Backsquat 60/45kg
*Scale weight to ~70% 1RM