W.O.D 4.5.2018 May 3, 2018/in WOD /by Kaitlyn EggersCrossfit WOD Strength: Chin-ups/Ring Muscle Up Progressions (by ability) MetCon: (For time) 100m run 10 clapping push-ups 10 T2B 200m run 20 clapping push-ups 20 T2B 300m run 30 clapping push-ups 30 T2B 200m run 20 clapping push-ups 20 T2B 100m run 10 clapping push-ups 10 T2B Endurance WOD “Moose” 1000m Run 10rds of 7 bar facing burpees 3 thrusters 42.5/30 1200m run with wallball Strength & Accessory WOD Strength/Skill: Hang Split clean 3-3-3-2-2-2-1-1-1 MetCon: In teams of 2 15min AMRAP P1-200m row P2-ME Jumping Lunges /wp-content/uploads/2015/09/cfta-logo3.png 0 0 Kaitlyn Eggers /wp-content/uploads/2015/09/cfta-logo3.png Kaitlyn Eggers2018-05-03 21:50:062018-05-04 00:27:35W.O.D 4.5.2018
W.O.D 3.5.2018 May 2, 2018/in WOD /by Kaitlyn EggersCrossfit WOD Strength: Bench dips/Bar dips/ ring dips/ tempo ring dips (5 each direction, by ability) SKILL: kipping on rings Metcon: 12-9-6 RMU Strict HSPUS *ask coach for mods Olympic weightlifting WOD Hang snatch + snatch 3×2+1×80% | 2×1+1×85% | 2×1(snatch)x90-95% Complex: first pull+pull+hang snatch+snatch balance+OHS 15 min to go as heavy as possible Clean pull 5x4x90% Front squat 6x3x80% /wp-content/uploads/2015/09/cfta-logo3.png 0 0 Kaitlyn Eggers /wp-content/uploads/2015/09/cfta-logo3.png Kaitlyn Eggers2018-05-02 21:10:582018-05-02 20:43:16W.O.D 3.5.2018
W.O.D 2.5.2018 May 1, 2018/in WOD /by Kaitlyn EggersCrossfit WOD Warm up: Spine flexion and rotation drills Strength: A)Deadlift 5x5xelements WT B-E) Deadlift 5x5x90% MetCon: 20 minute AMRAP 5 burpees 10 lunges 15 situps Strength & Accessory WOD Bench Press 3*5*70% 3RM (90%1RM)+2.5/5kg Deadlift 3*5*70% 3RM (90%1RM)+2.5/5kg MetCon: In Front of running clock, perform 3 Rounds for reps 30 sec Push Ups (scale up to ring) 30 sec KB Russian Swings (AHAP) 60 sec Push Ups 60 sec Swings *90 sec rest between rounds. /wp-content/uploads/2015/09/cfta-logo3.png 0 0 Kaitlyn Eggers /wp-content/uploads/2015/09/cfta-logo3.png Kaitlyn Eggers2018-05-01 21:48:432018-05-01 20:46:33W.O.D 2.5.2018
W.O.D 4.5.2018
/in WOD /by Kaitlyn EggersCrossfit WOD
Strength: Chin-ups/Ring Muscle Up Progressions (by ability)
MetCon: (For time)
Endurance WOD
1000m Run
10rds of
1200m run with wallball
Strength & Accessory WOD
Strength/Skill: Hang Split clean
MetCon: In teams of 2
15min AMRAP
P1-200m row
P2-ME Jumping Lunges
W.O.D 3.5.2018
/in WOD /by Kaitlyn EggersCrossfit WOD
Strength: Bench dips/Bar dips/ ring dips/ tempo ring dips (5 each direction, by ability)
SKILL: kipping on rings
*ask coach for mods
Olympic weightlifting WOD
W.O.D 2.5.2018
/in WOD /by Kaitlyn EggersCrossfit WOD
Warm up: Spine flexion and rotation drills
A)Deadlift 5x5xelements WT
B-E) Deadlift 5x5x90%
MetCon: 20 minute AMRAP
5 burpees
10 lunges
15 situps
Strength & Accessory WOD
Bench Press 3*5*70% 3RM (90%1RM)+2.5/5kg
Deadlift 3*5*70% 3RM (90%1RM)+2.5/5kg
MetCon: In Front of running clock, perform 3 Rounds for reps
30 sec Push Ups (scale up to ring)
30 sec KB Russian Swings (AHAP)
60 sec Push Ups
60 sec Swings
*90 sec rest between rounds.