Strength & Accessory WOD Strength: Pull ups5*2*85% 1RM (92.5% 3RM) Hang Split Clean 5*3*80% (1RM) MetCon: In teams Of 2 complete for time 200m Partner carry 100 Hammer Strikes 50 Ball Slams 30 Burpee Pull ups 200m Partner Carry
Endurance WOD
In memory of seargent first class (rav-samal) Elad dan. Elad served in pratroopers 890 brigade, and later as a reserve soldier attache to combat engineerings special ops unit yael during the second lebanon war.
Elad was killed in action in south lebanon, together with 8 additional members of his team on august 9th 2006. He was 26 years old when he passed away.
W.O.D. 25.5.18
/in WOD /by Kaitlyn EggersCrossfit WOD
Then all levels: Establish Max height Box jump
A) Ask coach
B) 40/25
C) 50/30
D) 60/35
E) 70/42.5
Pistols will by modified individual, ask coach.
Strength & Accessory WOD
Pull ups 5*2*85% 1RM (92.5% 3RM)
Hang Split Clean 5*3*80% (1RM)
MetCon: In teams Of 2 complete for time
200m Partner carry
100 Hammer Strikes
50 Ball Slams
30 Burpee Pull ups
200m Partner Carry
Endurance WOD
In memory of seargent first class (rav-samal) Elad dan. Elad served in pratroopers 890 brigade, and later as a reserve soldier attache to combat engineerings special ops unit yael during the second lebanon war.
Elad was killed in action in south lebanon, together with 8 additional members of his team on august 9th 2006. He was 26 years old when he passed away.
26 minute AMRAP
W.O.D 24.5.18
/in WOD /by Kaitlyn EggersCrossfit WOD
Skill: RMU
MetCon: for time
Olympic weightlifting WOD
W.O.D 23.5.18
/in WOD /by Kaitlyn EggersCrossfit WOD
Skill: Squat clean
E2MOM 20
3 Squat clean, add load each set until failure.
Cashout: Tabata burpees
Strength & Accessory WOD
Bench Press 3*70%; 3*80%; +3*90% 3RM
Deadlift 3*70%; 3*80%; +3*90% 3RM
One Arm KB FR squats 3*8-12
Weighted Plank 4*30-45sec*Max weight
*Handstand Holds – 5xMax Effort (5-10 minutes walking/obstacle course practice)
*Handstand Press – 5*3-5
(Free standing/P.ROM/Wall/Ground)
*Lever work – 5*3-5
(Full/Partial/Tuck/Arch Pull ups)
**Accessory straight arm work / Core by coaches prescription