W.O.D. 18.6.2018 June 17, 2018/in WOD /by Kaitlyn EggersCrossfit WOD Mobility Warmup: Scap/shoulder mobility drills Skill Warmup: 30sec back to floor hold 30 sec Chest to floor hold 30s chest to wall hold x3 Strength: Shoulder Press 5x5xEW Find 5RM Bench Press Skill: Handstand holds by ability Chest/back to floor Chest to wall Back to wall/free One arm progression MetCon: For time 10-10, 9-9,8-8… Toes to Bar HSPU * ask coach for modifications Strength & Accessory W.O.D Strength: Floor press Sumo deadlift 5*(40-60%)-5-5-5; +5*90% (from last set) Accessory: DB/KB Strict press 3*10-15 KB Deadlift 3*8-12 Gymnastics W.O.D Gymnastics *Handstand Holds – 5xMax Effort – 5-10 minutes walking/obstacle course practice *Handstand Press – 5*3-5 (Free standing/P.ROM/Wall/Ground) *Strict Bar Muscle Up work – 5*3-5 (Tempo/Weighted/Negative?FG pullups/FG ring rows) **AMRAP Accessory/ core by coaches prescription /wp-content/uploads/2015/09/cfta-logo3.png 0 0 Kaitlyn Eggers /wp-content/uploads/2015/09/cfta-logo3.png Kaitlyn Eggers2018-06-17 21:56:372018-06-08 14:44:11W.O.D. 18.6.2018
W.O.D. 17.6.2018 June 16, 2018/in WOD /by Kaitlyn EggersCrossfit WOD Happy Fathers day to all of the awesome dads in our box! Strength: A) Back squat 5x5xEW B+) Back squat Find 5RM MetCon: Partner WOD 18 min AMRAP P-1 Baby carry hold P-2 AMRAP of 5 Power snatch 7 pull-ups 9 Goblet squat SDHP & G-SQ by elements WT 30/20 GSQ 20/12 42.5/30 GSQ 24/16 42.5/30 GSQ 28/20 42.5/30 GSQ 32/24 /wp-content/uploads/2015/09/cfta-logo3.png 0 0 Kaitlyn Eggers /wp-content/uploads/2015/09/cfta-logo3.png Kaitlyn Eggers2018-06-16 21:56:342018-06-08 14:24:26W.O.D. 17.6.2018
W.O.D. 16.6.2018 June 15, 2018/in WOD /by Kaitlyn EggersCrossfit WOD Strength: Complete missed strength/ 20 minutes to practice Snatches (ask coach) MetCon: For time: 50 V-ups 50 pullups 50 Lunges 50 Burpees 50 KB push press 20/12 50 Ball slams 50 Goblet squat 20/12 50 Jumping jacks 50 Step ups Order does not matter` /wp-content/uploads/2015/09/cfta-logo3.png 0 0 Kaitlyn Eggers /wp-content/uploads/2015/09/cfta-logo3.png Kaitlyn Eggers2018-06-15 20:02:162018-06-08 14:19:56W.O.D. 16.6.2018
W.O.D. 18.6.2018
/in WOD /by Kaitlyn EggersCrossfit WOD
Mobility Warmup:
Scap/shoulder mobility drills
Skill Warmup:
Skill: Handstand holds by ability
MetCon: For time
10-10, 9-9,8-8…
* ask coach for modifications
Strength & Accessory W.O.D
Floor press
Sumo deadlift
5*(40-60%)-5-5-5; +5*90% (from last set)
DB/KB Strict press 3*10-15
KB Deadlift 3*8-12
Gymnastics W.O.D
*Handstand Holds – 5xMax Effort
– 5-10 minutes walking/obstacle course practice
*Handstand Press – 5*3-5
(Free standing/P.ROM/Wall/Ground)
*Strict Bar Muscle Up work – 5*3-5 (Tempo/Weighted/Negative?FG pullups/FG ring rows)
**AMRAP Accessory/ core by coaches prescription
W.O.D. 17.6.2018
/in WOD /by Kaitlyn EggersCrossfit WOD
Happy Fathers day to all of the awesome dads in our box!
A) Back squat 5x5xEW
B+) Back squat Find 5RM
MetCon: Partner WOD
18 min AMRAP
P-1 Baby carry hold
P-2 AMRAP of
W.O.D. 16.6.2018
/in WOD /by Kaitlyn EggersCrossfit WOD
Strength: Complete missed strength/ 20 minutes to practice Snatches (ask coach)
MetCon: For time:
Order does not matter`