WOD 9/12/15

**You can click on any of the hyperlinked movements below to see a video demonstration!**


Strength: Back Squat
A) Back Squat 5×5 weight from Elements.
B) Back Squat 5*5*90%5RM
C&D) Pause (3 sec) Back squat  5*3*70%

Skill: Double Unders/Triple Unders

In front of the clock
2 min AMRAP Double Unders
then perform 1 mile run AFAP
Cashout: coach’s choice


Strength: Establish 1RM strict press (15 min)


MetCon: 15-12-10 reps of :

Hang power clean to overhead 60/42.5 kg

Facing the bar burpee


Cashout: Death by ring dips (12 min cap)