WOD 24/2/16
Mobility Warm Up:
February Programming:
Strength: Back Squat
A) 5*5 Weight from Elements.
B) WU: 5*65% (5RM) 5*75% 5*85% (short period of resting between warm ups sets) …Then 3 attemps to find 5RM…
C+D) WU Suggestion 8*50 %, 3*70%, 2*80%, 1*90%… Then 3 attempts to find 1RM
MetCon: In teams of two complete:
6 (3 each) rounds of
20 step ups
400m run
*Note While partner 1 is in the front rack position holding 60/40 kg, Partner 2 is performing the complex (use racks if needed).
A) Rx’d (ask coach for scaling if needed)
B) 12/8kg*2 KB weighted step ups
C) 16/10kg*2 step ups.
D) 24/20kg*2 step ups.
*Ask coach for scaling options.