WOD 2/12/15

**You can click on any of the hyperlinked movements below to see a video demonstration!**

Strength: Back Squat
A) Back Squat 5×5 weight from Elements.
B) Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5 add weight each set to failure
C+D) Back Squat 3*75%, 2*80%,1*85% 1*90% 1*95% 1RM

Mobility technique: 4 sets for quality Sotts press – 10 reps (add weight each set)
*ask coach for specific instructions.

MetCon: “Nancy”
400m run
15 OHS 42.5/30kg

*ask coach for scaling options



Establish 1RM push press in 15 min OR push press as regular warm up for 15 min.

**Pavels suggested warm up: 3*75% 2*85% 1*90% PR attemps: 1*100%+2.5 then add 2.5kg to each attempt to failure

MetCon: Hopper Qualifier

8 min AMRAP C&J ladder.

2 C&J 60/42.5 kg

30 DU

4 C&J

30 DU



Cash out: 30 Strict HSPU or scale up.