WOD 15/7/16


Skill: Squat Clean.

MetCon: 20min AMRAP “Christina”

9 Pull-ups9 Squat Cleans (42.5/30kglbs)

9 Kettlebell Swings (24/16kg)

9 Toes-to-Bar

9 Push Press (42.5/30kg)

9 Burpees


Speed squat

Tempo back squat (7-2-1l 10*1*50-70%ME
MetCon: in teams of 2 complete for time 5 rounds

20 Double kb russian swings

50m  Front rack kb carry

Rx’d meet

Complete for time

5-10-15-20-15-10-5  reps of

Toes 2 bar

Overhead Squat 52.5/35kg