W.O.D 7/8/18

CrossFit WOD

Strength: Press

A) Shoulder Press 5x5xWeight from elements class

B) Shoulder Press find 5RM

C) Pushpress find 3RM

D+E) Pushpress Find 1RM


MetCon: 9 min AMRAP ladder 1-1,2-2,3-3..


Goblet squat 32/24

*ask coach for mods


Olympic weightlifting  W.O.D

  1. Snatch 3x3x75% | 3x2x85% (beginners overhead squat 6×3)
  2. Clean with pause at knee 3x3x75% | 3x3x85%
  3. Jerk from racks (beginners pushpress with pause at dip) 4x3x75% | 3x3x80% | 2x2x85%
  4. Backsquat+ front squat 3×7+13×65% of backsquat