W.O.D. 19.6.18

CrossFit WOD

Mobility: OHS (shoulder/ ankle,hip)

Skill: Squat Snatch

Beginners: 20 min Practice

Advanced: 20 min 3 position snatch work up to heavy load



Olympic Weightlifting W.O.D


  1. Cluster + Thruster 3×1+2×60% | 2×1+1×70%  | 2×1(cluster)x80% | work up to 1RM (percentages are based off 1RM C&J)
  1. TNG Hang power clean 3x5x70% 3x5x80%
  2. Snatch pull 3x3x95% | 3x3x105%
  3. Overhead squat 5-5-3-3-1