W.O.D 12/7/18

CrossFit W.O.D:


Dips by ability (ring / bar / bench) 5×5



Elements #3 revisited

3 RFT:

10 OHL lunge 40/25

10 burpees

10 T2B

10 Thrusters


Olympic Weightlifting  W.O.D

  1. TNG Power clean 7x3x70-80%
  2. 15 min to find 1RM thruster (from racks)
  3. TNG pushpress 5x3x60-70%
  4. Backsquat+front squat 3×7 + 13×60% of Backsquat


Endurance W.O.D


Partner Wod

45 min AMRAP


:00-:15 min hold plank

:15-:30 min Wall sit

:30-:45 min KB hold 32/24



Amrap of

5 pullup

10 pushup

15 airsquat

20 situp


Alternate freely