WOD 13/6/16


A) Deadlift 5*5 weight from elements
B) Deadlift Establish (new) 5RM
C) Sumo Deadlift establish 2RM
D)Deficit (15kg plate) snatch grip deadlift establish 2 RM (USE STRAPS)



400m Run
21 Wall balls 20/12lb
12 Deadlifts

A) Wallballs rx’d- scale deadlifts with AHAP KB swing
B) wallbals rx’d-60/40kg DL
C) Wall balls rx’d- 80/50kg DL
D) Wall balls rx’d-115/70kg DL

WOD 12/6/16

A) Strict press 5*5 with weight from elements
B) Establish (new) 5RM
C) Jerk Establish 1 RM
D) Same as C

Skill: Snatch barbell Practice

MetCon: For time
15 Strict Pull ups
5 Snatches
10 Strict Pull ups
10 Snatches
5 Strict Pull ups
15 Snatches

A) J. pull ups/KB SDHPL 16/12kg
B) Pull ups/J. Pull ups- 30/20 kg
C) Rx’d (42.5/30kg)
D) Legless rope climbs (5-4-3) 60/40

WOD 10/6/16

Skill: Barbell snatch Practice
A) Movement awareness- Oly basics (hook grips, stance, grip width etc.)

B+C) power snatch practice.
D) Work on you specific weekness by coach prescribtion

MetCon: “Amanda”
9-7-5 reps of

Squat snatches 60/42.5kg

* Ask coach for scaling options

OHS  practice
21-15-9 reps of
OHS (by ability 60-80% 2RM)
Box Jumps 60/50 cm
Rx’d Meet
Regional 2011 Event 4

For time
100 Pull Ups
100 KB Swings 24/16kg
100 DU
100 OHS 42.5/30 kg

WOD 9/6/16


Back Squat 5*5 with weight elements
B) Back squat 5*5*95% 5RM
C) Back squat 6*2*80%2RM (pause 2 sec at the bottom)
D) Overhead Squat 6*2*75% 1RM (pause 2 sec at the bottom)


30-20-10 reps of

Goblet Squats
KB Swings
Box Jumps 60/50cm

A) 12/8kg-Step ups
B) 16/12kg
C) 24/16kg
D) 32/24kg-(T&G box jumps)

Strict Press (Pause 2 sec overhead)

MetCon: 5RFT
5 Strict Pull ups/ring rows
10 Dips
15 Straight leg sit ups

WOD 8/6/16

A) Strict press 5*5 with weight from elements
B) Strict press 3*5*95% 5RM
C) Push press 6*3*80 3RM (Pause at the dip 2 sec)
D) Weighted ring rips 6*3*80%3RM


5 Rounds for reps
30 DU
Max reps S2OH

A) SU – 12/8kg KB
B) DU – 30/20kg
C) DU – 45/30kg
D) Unbroken DU – 60/42.5kg

WOD 7/6/16

Kipping Pull ups

15 min practice

A) Movement awerness/pull-up strength
B) Work on the skill
C) Butterfly
D) Butterfly C2B/ Bar MU Kip.

MetCon: “Candy” 5RFT
20 pull ups
40 Push ups
60 Air squats

*Ask coach for scailing options.
**D athletes perform C2B Pull ups

WOD 6/6/16


A) Deadlift 5*5 weight from elements
B) Deadlift 5*5*95%+5kg 5RM
C) Back squat 2RM
D) Overhead Squat establish 1RM

MetCon: “Diane”
21-15-9 reps of
Deadlift 102.5kg

*Ask coach for scaling options.



Back Squat: 2-2-2-2-2-2

Bent-over Row: 4*6-8

Nordic Curls: 3*6

Glute Bridges: 100 reps

WOD 5/6/16


A) Strict press 5*5 with weight from elements
B) Strict press 5*5*95%  5RM
C) Push press Establish 1RM
D)Weighted ring dips 3RM

Skill: Barbell snatch


For time:



17 power snatch 42 kg

25 single legs rope jumps x 2

64 situps

30 pushups

10 power snatches 42kg

74 DU

36 cross over rope jumps

16 power snatch 42kg


*ask coach for scalling options


In memory of “the greatest” muhammad Ali, an inspirational athlete, champion and model. RIP champ!



– born january 17th 1942 (17 snatch at 42 kg)

– 1st title win against sonny liston 25/2/64

– 30/10/74 date of “rumble in the jungle”

– 3/6/16 date of passing on


pushups, situps and various rope jumping skills are staples of any boxing training regiment.  

WOD 3/6/16


Skill: Barbell snatch Practice
A) Movement awareness- OLY basics (hook grips, stance, grip width etc.)
B+C) Power snatch practice.
D) Find 1RM Snatch.

MetCon: “Randy”
75 Snatches 35/25kg

*Ask coach for scaling options.
Technique: Power snatch (Establish 1RM)

MetCon: In teams of 2 Complete
50 Pendelay rows (80-90% Power clean)
200 Air squats
200m Partner/Sandbag carry
Rx’d meet
21-15-9 complex

Athlete will perform 8 Deadlift + 7 Clean + 6 Snatch (21 reps) then 8 Pull-Ups + 7 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups + 6 Bar Muscle-Ups; then 15 reps of the same (6+5+4=15); then 9 reps of the same (4+3+2=9).

Men 70kg
Women Rx’d 52.5 (not less than 40)

WOD 2/6/16


Back Squat 5*5 with weight elements
B) Back squat establish 5RM
C)Pause 3sec (knee) deadlifts 6*2*75% (2RM)
D) 6*2*50-70%(Snatch DL)
Snatch+Pause at knee.

MetCon: Complete for time
50 KB Swings
25 Pull ups
25 Burpees
50 Walking Lunges

A) 16/12kg KB-J.pull ups/ring rows
B) 24/16kg-Pull ups/Jumping Pull ups
C) 24/16kg American Swing- Pull ups
D) 32/24kg American KBS-C2B Pull ups- Alt. Pistols
Speed Press
Bench press 9*3*50-70% ME

MetCon: 3 rounds For reps
-1st min: Dips (ring/bar/bench)
-2nd min: Toes 2 bar (K2E/V-ups)
-3rd min: Ball Slams
*1 min rest