WOD 21/10/16

Skill: Squat Snatch Practice 20min.


MetCon: 15 min AMRAP ladder

3 OHS 42.5/30 kg

3 C2B pull ups







RX’d meet:


10 OHS 60/42.5(35)kg

50 DU

WOD 20/10/16

Strength: Squat.

Overhead squat establish 3RM

(If OHS can’t be done in proper form, establish 5RM back squat)


MetCon: 12min AMRAP

15 Burpees

10 KB swings 32/24kg

5 Alt. Pistols (each leg)

WOD 19/10/16


Strength: (By ability)
1) Push ups 4*6-10 reps (if you can do more than 10 unbroken, scale up to next option)
2) Pike push ups 4*6-10
3) Partial Strict HSPU 4*6-10 (Start from 3 blue mats)
4) Strict HSPU 4*6-10 (If you can do more than 10 unbroken HSPU on last set, scale up to deficit or ring HSPU)

MetCon: For reps & quality.
5 Rounds of
Max reps unbroken push press 42.5kg
Max reps unbroken pull ups

*rest 2 min between rounds.

**For push press use weight that you can do at least 5 reps in a row. If the RX’d weight is too heavy, scale down – however, scaling up is more than welcome.
Same works for pull ups. Scale down to jumping or scale up to: C2B/BMU/RM.

WOD 18/10/16

Snatch grip deadlift 5*5*90% 5RM


3 rounds for reps In Front of running clock
1min row (cal)
1min Power Cleans 42.5/30kg
1min DU
1min Front squats 42.5/30kg
-1min rest

*Ask coach for scaling options.

WOD 17/10/16



20 min AMRAP
400m run
Max reps pullups

Cashout: Yoni’s choice (beware)

WOD 16/10/16

Skill: Overhead mobility drills.

Strength: (By ability)
1) Push ups 4*6-10 reps (if you can do more than 10 unbroken, scale up to next option)
2) Pike push ups 4*6-10
3) Partial Strict HSPU 4*6-10 (Start from 3 blue mats)
4) Strict HSPU 4*6-10 (If you can do more than 10 unbroken HSPU on last set, scale up to deficit or ring HSPU)

MetCon: For time
50 DU
25 Pull Ups
25 Toes 2 bar
50 DU
25 Burpees
25 clapping pushup
50 DU

*Ask coach for scaling options.

WOD 14/10/16


Strength: Sott’s Press (by ability) 5*6-8 (quality)

Skill: Power Snatch

MetCon: “Isabel” 30 reps of snatch 60/42.kg


Rx’d meet

Same like regular class “Isabel”

30 reps of snatches 60/42.5(35) kg.

Speed Squat
Back Squat 9*4*50-70% ME

MetCon: 21-15-9 reps of
Twin KB Swing
Front KB Rack Squats

*After each round perform 100m Farmer carry

WOD 13/10/16


Strength: Push ups (by ability)

1) Push ups 4*6-10 reps (if you can do more than 10 unbroken, scale up to next option)
2) Pike push ups 4*6-10
3) Partial Strict HSPU 4*6-10 (Start from 3 blue mats)
4) Strict HSPU 4*6-10 (If you can do more than 10 unbroken HSPU on last set, scale up to deficit or ring HSPU)

MetCon: In front of running clock 4 Rounds for reps
1min Row (cal)
1 min KB Swings 24/16kg
1min Push press 42.5/30kg
1min Box jumps 60/50cm
*1min Rest

Speed press

Pause bench press 8*3*50-70% ME

25-20-15 reps for time of

Clapping push ups

Straight leg weighted sit ups

WOD 11/10/16


By coach prescription.

MetCon: “Lucy”
5 Pull ups
10 Burpees
400m Run

WOD 10/10/16

Strength: Wide (snatch) grip deadlift Establish 5RM (use blocks if needed)

Skill: Hang Squat Snatch.

MetCon: 10 min  AMRAP LADDER OF 3-5-7-9-11…
Hang Squat Snatch
Toes 2 bar
A) Ask coach for specific instructions.
B) 30/20kg- K2E
C) 40/30kg-T2B
D) 50/35kg- T2B