WOD 07/03/17

Skill: Turkish Get up

10 RFT
3 Burpee RMU

A) Ask coach for specific instructions
B) MU By ability- 16/12kg TGU
C) RMU/BMU– 24/16kg
D) 32/20kg

Olympic Weightlifting:

  1. Power Clean+Push Jerk: 2x(3+3)x70% / 2x(2+2)x75% / 3x(1+1)x80%
  2. Snatch pull: 8x3x100
  3. Front squat+Backsquat: 3x(7+13)x60% (of 1RM Backsquat)

WOD 6/3/17

A) Deadlift 5*5*5RM
B) Power Clean 3-3-2-2-1-1 (start at 70% power clean then add weight each set)
C+D) Power Snatch 3-3-2-2-1-1(start at 70% power clean then add weight each set)

MetCon: 9-15-21-15-9 reps of
Power Clean 


A) Ask coach for specific instructions
B) 30/20kg – Situps
C) 50/35kg – V-ups
D) 60/42.5kg – V-ups

WOD 5/3/17

Push Press
(A athletes only: perform strict press 5*5*5RM)

MetCon: In Teams of 2 perform for time

1k Run (both partners at the same time)


100 Clapping/ Plyo Push ups

200 Double unders


*reps can be done in any order

**ask coach for scaling options

WOD 2/3/17

Strength: Back Squat

10 min E2MOM 5 reps (Start at 70% 5RM then add weight each set to failure)

MetCon: 3 RFT
400m run
21 Air Sqats
12 Box Jumps 60/50cm

*Ask coach for scaling options.


Olympic weightlifting

20 min work up to 3 RM snatch

Snatch complex:

SN high pull + muscle snatch + power snatch + drop snatch/snatch balance

7 rds, start @50% add weight by feel

Squat Jerk 6x3x70%

Front squat 3x3x75% 3x2x85%

WOD 1/3/17

Strict press
10 min E2MOM 5 reps (Start at 70% 5RM then add weight each set to failure)

MetCon: Complete For reps
5 rounds of
3 min AMRAPs
*1min Rest

4 KB Swings 24/16kg
6  Weighted Sit ups 20/10kg
8 Clapping/plyo Push ups

*ask coach for scaling

WOD 28/2/17

Skill: Mobility practice by coach prescription.

“Dirty Thirty”
For Time

30 Box Jumps (24/20 in)

30 Jumping Pull-Ups

30 Kettlebell Swings (35/26 lbs)

30 Lunges

30 Knees-to-Elbows

30 Push Press (45/35 lbs)

30 Back Extensions

30 Wall Balls (20/12 lbs)

30 Double unders

30 Burpees


Olympic Weightlifting


Hang clean – 6×3 UB HC @70-80%

Pushpress 5 attempts to perform 10 UB pushpress with the following weights



*Ask coach to perscribe specific weights

** if you succeeded more than 3 and less than 10 re-attempt ME on same weight, for total of 5 sets.

Clean pull 6x3x100

Split press 5x5x40-50% of jerk 1RM (or 80% of 5RM strict press)

WOD 27/2/17

Strength: Deadlift

10 min E2MOM 5 reps (Start at 70% 5RM then add weight each set to failure)

MetCon: 5 RFT
3 Ring MU
5 Squat Cleans 70/45kg

*Ask Coach for scaling options.

WOD 26/2/17

Skill: Mobility practice by coach prescription

MetCon: 25 min Partner AMRAP
5 Pull Ups
10 Push ups
15 Air Squat

P-1 Doing the complex
P-2 400m run

WOD 25/2/17

CFTA In-House Open! Come compete and cheer on your friends. The team with the biggest spirit gets extra points so make sure to bring your air horns and pompoms and get ready to make a lot of noise!!!

WOD 24/2/17

Skill: Thrusters, burpees efficiency

MetCon: OPEN 14.5 a.k.a. 16.5

Reps For Time

Thrusters (42.5/30 kg)

Bar Facing Burpees


*Ask coach for scaling options