WOD 19/10/17
Strength: Deadlift.
A) Deadlift 5*5*EW
B) Deadlift establish 5RM.
C,D,E) Clean Pull 5*3*90% 3RM (Use straps)
Skill: Squat clean practice
MetCon: 7 rounds for time
7 Squat Clean
100m run
A) Ask coach for specific instructions.
B) ½ BW.
C) ⅔ BW
E) 1 ¼ BW.
Olympic Weightlifting WOD
- OHS 15 min to establish 1RM of the day
- HC+Jerk 5×2+1×70% 2×2+1×80%
- Cluster establish 1RM
- S.pull 6x3x100%