WOD 18/12/17

Tech: Low Bar Back Squat

Strength: Back Squat

A+) Back Squat Establish 3RM

MetCon: 12-10-8-6-4-2 reps of

OTB Burpees

A) 80%5RM DL or KB Swing AHAP By ability.
B) 60/42.5kg
C) 85/50kg.
D) 102.5/70kg
E) 140/90kg

WOD 17/12/17

Strength: Bench Press

A+) Bench Press Establish 3RM


Clapping Push Ups (Plyo/HRPU)
Strict Curls 20/15kg

Ask Coach For MOD.

WOD 16/12/17

Complete Missed Lift.

MetCon: “Diane”
21-15-9 reps of
Deadlift 102.5/70kg

*Ask coach for MOD.

WOD 15/12/17


Mobility: “Limber 11”

Tech: Power Snatch.

MetCon: “OPEN 16.3”

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 7 minutes of:


10 power snatches 35/25kg

3 bar muscle-ups


Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 7 minutes of:

10 power snatches 20/15kg

5 jumping chest-to-bar pull-ups





4 rounds for time of:

400-m run

30 push presses, (30/20kg)

20  chest-to-bar pull-ups

10 Box Jumps

5 Toes to Bar

WOD 14/12/17

Strength: Deadlift (by ability sumo/semi sumo/conventional)

A+) Paused (1.5cm above the floor) Deadlift 5*1*3RM (weight)

MetCon: 3 Rounds for reps
3min AMRAPs
6 One Arm Deadlifts (L)
6 One Arm Deadlifts ®
3 Burpee High Jumps

*1min Rest between rounds.

A) 12/8kg
B) 16/10kg
C) 20/12kg
D) 24/16kg
E) 32/24kg

WOD 13/12/17


Strength: Bench Press

A+) Bench Press 5*3*90% 3RM

MetCon: 15-10-5 reps of

Strict Press
Toes 2 Bar (Toes 2 rings/Knees 2 Elbows/ Vups)

Rx’d 42.5/30kg

*ask coach for MOD.

WOD 12/12/17

“Upper Body” Mobility Routine.

MetCon: 4 RFT
400m RUN
25 Burpees



(To be performed at Open Gym!)




1k Run

50 Burpees

WOD 11/12/17

Tech: Low Bar Back Squat

Strength: Back Squat

A+) Paused (3sec on the bottom) Back Squat 5*1*3RM (weight)

MetCon: 9min AMRAP
8 KB Front rack Squats (L)
8 Kb Front rack Squats ®
16 Double unders (8 TU)

A) 10/8kg- SU
B) 16/10kg- DU by ability
C) 20/12kg- DU
D) 24/16kg- Unbroken DU
E) 32/24kg- Unbroken DU

WOD 10/12/17

Strength: Bench Press

A+) Bench Press 5*3*90% 3RM

MetCon: 21-15-9-6-3 reps of
Ring dips (By ability: ring/Bar/Bench)
Hang Power Cleans 42.5/30kg

WOD 9/12/17

Complete Missed Lift.

MetCon:” Helen”
400m Run
21 KB American Swings 24/16kg
12 Pul Ups

*Ask coach For MOD