WOD 28/12/17

Strength: Deadlift (by ability sumo/semi sumo/conventional)

A+) Paused (1.5cm above the floor) Deadlift 5*1*90% 3RM

MetCon: Running “Jackie”
Complete For Time

1000m Run
50 Thrusters 20/15kg
30 Pull ups

*Ask coach for MOD.

WOD 27/12/17

Strength: Bench Press

A+) Paused (3sec) Bench Press 5*1*90% 3RM.

MetCon: 15-12-9 reps Of

Hang Clean to Overhead 42.5/30kg

Burpee HR Push Ups OTB

*Ask coach for MOD.

WOD 26/12/17

“Upper Body” Mobility Routine.

MetCon: 5RFT
30 Double Unders (10 TU)
20 KB swings 24/16kg
10 (5+5) KB Front Rack Lunges 24/16kg

*Ask coach for MOD



“12 Days of Christmas” WOD


  • For Time
  • 1 Sumo Deadlift High-Pull (35/25kg)
  • 2 Thrusters (35/25kg)
  • 3 Push Press (35/25kg)
  • 4 Power Cleans (35/25kg)
  • 5 Power Snatches (35/25kg)
  • 6 Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg)
  • 7 Pull-Ups
  • 8 Knees-to-Elbows
  • 9 Box Jumps (60/50cm)
  • 10 Double-Unders
  • 11 Burpees
  • 12 Overhead Walking Lunges (20/10 kg Plate)

Like the song the “12 Days of Christmas,” complete each exercise in ascending order then work back down to 1, adding one exercise per round. Like this: 1; 2-1; 3-2-1; 4-3-2-1; etc – for a total of 364 reps.

WOD 25/12/17



Back Squat


A+) Paused (3 sec) Back Squat 5 x1 @ 90% 3RM




21-15-9 Reps of:



Toes to Bar


A) G squat 16/12kg v-ups/ 21-15-9-6-3

B) 30/20- K2E

C) 42.5/30kg- T2B

D) 50/35kg

E) 60/42.5kg


  • Ask Coach for MOD

WOD 24/12/17

Strength: Bench Press

A+) Paused (3sec) Bench Press 5*1*90% 3RM.

MetCon: For Time (By ability) Complete

50 (A-B) /75(C) /100 (D) /150 (D-E)
Ring Push Ups

*EMOM Perform 8 strict curls 20/15kg

*Ask coach for MOD.

WOD 23/12/17

Strength: Complete missed Lift.

MetCon: 5RFT
200m Run
9 Wall balls
7 Push ups
5 Pull ups

*Ask coach for MOD.

WOD 22/12/17

“Upper Body” Mobility Routine.

MetCon: OPEN 17.5

10 rounds for time of:

9 thrusters, 42.5/30  kg.

35 double-unders

*Ask coach for MOD.




3 rounds for time of:

Run 800 meters

15 deadlifts, (125/90)

15 strict handstand push-ups

15 Wall Balls

WOD 21/12/17

Strength: Deadlift (by ability sumo/semi sumo/conventional)

A+) Deadlift establish 3RM.

MetCon: For Time
100 Russian KB Swings AHAP by ability.

*EMOM Perform 5 Burpees.
(The workout starts at 0:00 with 5 burpees)

WOD 20/12/17

Strength: Bench Press

A+) Bench Press Establish 3RM (If done on Sunday perform 5*3*80% 3RM)

MetCon: 3RFT
400m Run
21 Strict Press 20/15kg
12 Toes 2 bar (Toes 2 rings/K2E/V-ups)

*Ask coach for MOD.

WOD 19/12/17

Mobility: “Limber 11”



Five rounds, each for time of:

20 Pull-ups

30 Push-ups

40 Sit-ups

50 Squats

*Rest precisely three minutes between each round. (35min Cap)







For time:

1 mile Run

100 Pull-ups

200 Push-ups

300 Squats

1 mile Run