W.O.D 10/3
CrossFit WOD:
2018 Third open event!!
Come to the box to participate in the intramural open, cheer your friends, make noise and have fun!!!
CrossFit WOD:
2018 Third open event!!
Come to the box to participate in the intramural open, cheer your friends, make noise and have fun!!!
CrossFit WOD:
Skill: Double unders
Metcon: For time
50 OHS
300 Double unders
Reps can be done in any order
A) Ask coach for modifications.
B) 30/20 + DU by ability
C) 40/25 + DU
D) 50/30 + only DU sets of 20+ count
E) 60/42.5 + Only DU sets of 30+ count
Endurance W.O.D:
-800m run
-30 American KBS 32/24
30 pullups
Strength & Accessory WOD:
Power Clean 3-3-3-2-2-1
One Arm Dumbbell Snatch 6-4-2-4-6 (each arm)
MetCon: Row Mile For time.
CrossFit WOD:
A) Shoulder press 5x5xElements weight
B+) Shoulder press 5x5x90% of 5RM from monday
Metcon: in celebration of international womens day
For time: “G.I Jane”
100 Burpee pullups
*Ask coach for modifications
Olympic Weightlifting W.O.D:
CrossFit WOD:
A) Deadlift 5x5xElements Weight
B+) Frontsquat 5x5x90% of 5RM from sunday
MetCon: “Diane”
Deadlift 102.5/75
*Ask coach for modifications
Strength & Accessory WOD
Shoulder Press – Establish 3RM
Back Squat – Establish 3RM
Accessory: (Weights by ability)
Ring Push ups 3-4*10-15 reps
One arm Deadlift 3*10-15 (each side)
Gymnastics WOD:
Superset with low crow hold 5×15-30s
CrossFit WOD:
Skill: Snatch
MetCon: For time
Olympic weightlifting WOD:
Endurance W.O.D:
“Randy Meets Karen Meets (G.I.) Jane”
75 Power snatch 35/25kg
150 Wallballs 9/6kg
*40 minute timecap
CrossFit WOD:
A) Shoulder press 5x5xElements Weight
B+) Shoulder Press find 5RM
MetCon: in pairs
70 Thrusters 42.5/30
60 burpees
40 Ring dips
*ask coach for modifications
Strength & Accessory WOD
Bench Press Establish 3RM
Deadlift Establish 3RM
Accessory: Weights/reps By Ability
Rope Climbs 10/15/20
Gymnastics WOD:
A) Handstands:
5.Core cashout- by coaches prescription
CrossFit WOD:
A) Backsquat 5x5xElements weight
B+) Front squat – find 5RM
MetCon: 15-10-5
–Front rack lunge (perside)
-clapping pushup
A) goblet lunge by ability
B) 24/16kg
C) 32/24
D) 2×24/32
E) OHL 24/16
CrossFit WOD:
Skill: Double under practice (if you can perform 50 unbroken, perform “annie during this time”)
Metcon: 3 RFT
-15 OHS 42.5/30
Ask coach for mods
Endurance W.O.D:
For time:
100 pullups
100 pushups
100 butterfly situps
100 airsquats
CrossFit WOD:
A) Deadlift 5x5xElements Weight
B+) Backsquat 5x5x90% 5RM | Deadlift 1×5 (add 2.5kg from last week)
Metcon: For time
A) One arm KB Thruster + pullups by ability
B) 30/20 + pullups by ability
C) 50/30 + C2B
D) 60/40 + BMU/C2B
E) 70/50 + BMU
Olympic Weightlifting W.O.D:
CrossFit WOD:
A) Shoulder Press 5x5xElements weight
B+) Floor Press 5*5*90% 5RM from sunday
MetCon: For Reps
18 Min AMRAP
-10 KBS 32/24
-10 HSPU
– 10 pullup
– 100m suitcase carry
*Ask coach For mods
Strength & Accessory WOD:
Strength: (Deloading)
Shoulder Press: 3*5*70% (3RM/90%1RM)
Deadlift: 3*5*70% (3RM/90%1RM)
MetCon: 6 Rounds of
1min ME Work vs. 2min Rest
12 SDHP 45/30kg
21 Sit Ups