W.O.D 7/3

CrossFit WOD:


A) Deadlift 5x5xElements Weight

B+) Frontsquat 5x5x90% of 5RM from sunday

MetCon: “Diane”


Deadlift 102.5/75


*Ask coach for modifications

Strength & Accessory WOD

Shoulder Press – Establish 3RM
Back Squat – Establish 3RM

Accessory: (Weights by ability)
Ring Push ups 3-4*10-15 reps
One arm Deadlift 3*10-15 (each side)


Gymnastics WOD:

  1. Handstands
  1. 5 sets: Handstand holds by ability.
  2. 5-10 minutes Handstand walking practice.
  3. Accessory handstand work by coach’s prescription


  1. Press Drill – 5×1-5
  2.  Straddle stretch 5*45s

Superset with  low crow hold 5×15-30s

  1. Shoulder stand – 5*30s
  2. Ring push ups  5×8-10
  3. Core cashout- by coaches prescription